West end vodka


New Member
Anyone else felt seriously ill off it before? Got back last night after 3 nights just on alcohol and have stomach cramps, jolting all night and felt so sick!
Honestly all I touched was drink, knowingly anyhow. Felt like I have been spiked, that or it is the evil vodka that must contain poisons!

Done my share of partying and hangovers but felt nothing like last night! Stomach was in agony that much I nearly went to hospital. Just trying to flush out with loads water and can't wait to feel human again. Shame as was my first time and had a class 3 nights until I felt like this yesterday on our last day
It is pretty rotten stuff they sell, but I've never had cramps from it. Give it 24hr then see your doctor if you're still f***ed
Aye cheers will do. Was thinking I was spiked with something as I've never been that bad off vodka before and like I say I was only there 3 nights, dunno how people manage a week or more ha.
Yeah won't ever touch it again that's for sure seriously knocked me sideways. Just wondered if it had done the same to anyone else so I could rule out been spiked with something which I doubt now anyhow
After last year at my all inc hotel, 3 days on the vodka absolutely f***ed me. My stomach was in pieces. Wont be going near the stuff this time round. Hopefully the rum will be at least half decent.
Yeah we were all Inclusive too and was on the vodka there all day too as well as the vodka in the west end and I imagine they are both the cheapest nastiest stuff around.
try asking for smirnoff and coke / whatever mixer instead of vodka and coke / whatever mixer, might cost a little bit more but probably worth it :)
Could be IBS mate (irritable bowel syndrome). It can be brought on by excessice alcohol consumption even if you've never suffered before. A proper night on it nowadays and I put on about a stone (just stays in my stomach won't digest) coupled with vomiting and gut-wrenching pain or stomach cramps if you will.
Group of 6 of us went in Play 2 back in late July, got offered a drinks deal which included a bottle of champagne, bottle of vodka, mixers and shots. Cant remember how much, but we had left within 15 mins. The vodka in particular was MOST DEFINITELY NOT vodka!!! You could clearly smell that it was something completely different. I'm not saying that I was expecting Grey Goose or alike, but bloody hell, some sort of vodka would have been good!! We left the lot on the table. Nasty!
Do bars in Ibiza have drinks tested at all? I'm almost certain alot of bars especially in the west end have fake vodka. Fake vodka is massive at the moment.