WE'RE BACK - PDB 9/16 - 9/23


New Member
We're back!!! We took over Bora Bora last year and we're doing it again this year (literally, we're staying at Jet this time). NJ/NY Crew of about 12. For some of us this is our third (and last) year, others the second, and the first time ever for a few. Looking to do different things besides run s**t at Bora Bora all day.

Doing the following:
9/16 Monday - Take over Bora Bora/Circoloco
9/17 Tuesday - Take over Bora Bora/Pukka Up/Carl Cox @ Space
9/18 Wed - Take over Bora Bora/Open
9/19 Thursday - Take over Bora Bora/Used & Abused @ Ushuaia/ Enter @ Space
9/20 Friday - Take over Bora Bora/Music On
9/21 Saturday Take over Bora Bora/Open
9/22 Sunday Take over Bora Bora/Open

Trying to get some good after/pre parties in there and probably a night out in San Antoni Bar hopping. If anyone wants to meet up let us know. We welcome all who wanna rage and have an amazing time.

KEEP UP.luberilla.JPG
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