welcoming new members


Staff member
hi all,

in some replies recently, some established members have been pretty rude to a new members. please remember that ibiza caters for all sorts, not just your sort.

ibiza is only what is is today because it was so inclusive in the early years. it was a haven for rich, famous, gay, straight, poor, mad, normal, whatever. don't forget that.

you might not agree with the way some people want to spend their holidays here - but nothing gives you the right to dictate that. live and let live has always been the ibiza way.

peace people! remember that you were all new once.

p.s. in case you were wondering, the vip thread is the one in question! and i have now deleted it.
You can always count VIP to stir things up..if they could only stay behind their velvet rope and not bother other people we might all get along. .oh yeah and stop starring at our women..:)
Sure things James. Ibiza should cater for everyone. Families. Couples. All sexual orientations and preferences.
I can't wait to take pics in the clubs again this season with my phone, enjoy a table in Mambos ( that's for you Dirk ) and post on here how much I like Ushuaia .... May even go VIP.... If I fancy it.
You forgot to mention how tacky the west end was and how it represents San Antonio. That will get his goat going .