Weekend Warriors


Well-Known Member
What are u lot up to this weekend?
Im doing absolutely nothing and proud of it. Hopefully someone else is up to something more exciting???
Off to a friends's house party.
Fed up of having no money in January. Roll on payday
Quiet for me too this weekend. Been dry since NYD and been eating really healthy so itching to press the mental button and go crazy. Will have to wait until next Friday though - Gerd Janson at Corsica....can't bloody wait!
Was at the pub last night and been working on Queens related things the rest of the time. Also provided motivational support to the Mrs doing all the holiday washing and catching up on sleep.

Last days of eating shit before I attempt some kind of detox and return to the gym this week.
Was at the pub last night and been working on Queens related things the rest of the time. Also provided motivational support to the Mrs doing all the holiday washing and catching up on sleep.

Last days of eating shit before I attempt some kind of detox and return to the gym this week.

Ive had a bad couple of weeks on carbs, I am disgusted with myself. I ate two cream cakes today and a load of toffees just out of sheer boredom ffs.
Yeah I've had two before this one . It's our youngest girlsfirst dog Last one died on st Patricks day:eek: when she was only few months old so she can't remember him..no name on him yet but dixon and wogan are contenders ..
Yeah I've had two before this one . It's our youngest girlsfirst dog Last one died on st Patricks day:eek: when she was only few months old so she can't remember him..no name on him yet but dixon and wogan are contenders ..

We have a cross breed that had staff in her, placid as they come she was.

Dixon, suits a dog more I think, and thats no disrespect to the great man.

Ours are called Sasha and Toby, but the girls give them ever changing nicknames, at the moment they call them Yoda and Toby Wan Kenobi ffs!