Weekend shenanigans


Well-Known Member
Called an early end to the messy weekend to recover for Monday, but some proper good stuff in London on Friday ...
Despite car engine cutting out twice on the motorway in minus 8 and ending up on the hard shoulder, managed to restart & made it to Basing House for Make Me with Bill Patrick & a 3-hour DVS1 set.
Wasn't packed so still just about elbow room. Bill played some good (if at times a bit cerebral) stuff from 11pm - 1am. Pace picked up tangibly when Zak (DVS1) hit the decks. He's a top Techno DJ with an endless armoury of great tracks, has closed Berghain and was opening it on Saturday with a 5-hr set so a bit of a treat for a small Shoreditch venue.
Built a real journey and the place was going off .. until a dodgy/blown mixer switch started cutting out the sound repeatedly ... what a shame ! With only an hour or so left, clear roads and fed up of being pestered about whether I had any pills, decided to move on to Brixton for something a bit different. Hooked up with Minimarc for the rest of a World Unknown rave.
It was early 90s revisited. Seriously sweaty old school full-on messy fun with impenetrable smoke, beers in tinnys, rare classics coming thick and fast, proper messed-up 'having it' crowd and an anything goes vibe. It was ... great !!!! :p
'Nuff said : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ac32umboXG8&feature=youtube_gdata_player


Afters at a hard techno club open till verrrrry late nearby were ... different ! .... almost exclusively French in there - really bizzare. Music got too much, so after breakfast in the market and long sober-up in nearby pub bid farewells, collected parking ticket and home for about 18 hours of kip with a sandwich break in the middle. Think the party boys are still on it somewhere in South London - or at least they think so :lol:.
Looked a good weekend.stayed in this weekend myself but going to maya jane coles this thursday @ twisted pepper in dublin.:D
just got home! Always a pleasure sir! was on the bus but had to get off thought was gona puke , got a black cab , nonstop banter the whole way made me feel better. But yeah , cracking time at the World Unknown warehouse party friday , club 414 was abit much afterwards , pints in the weatherspoons at about 10am set the mood for the day. was passed out at a mates house by 5pm then we went back out!