Weekend Rundown


New Member
Probably a bit late but had couple busy days and most people already eying this weekend but here goes

Friday - half day of work as mate's dad had died recently so we were all catching up. Ended up pretty late finish around 5 am Saturday but was a giggle.

Saturday - running round all day in London with my boy. Evening time hit the Toolroom Knights boat party which was wicked, Mark Knight and ATFC among the DJs. Met up with Philly Cent, a top man and pleasure to meet! Wicked party and atmosphere although was glad to get off the boat at 11pm, 4 hours was quite enough. Party moved onto the MOS which again Mark Knight and ATFC rocked. Had enough about 5am again and fell into a cab and went home!

Sunday - chilled on the sofa and watch rubbish with the missus until my little girl was home and then spent the crawling around on the floor and having food smeared on my head by my little girl!
Had a 4-day weekend Thurs-Sun that was honestly too packed to recount all the details here with any respectable amount of conciseness :lol:

In short, over 5 nights: 1 big dinner out with friends, 1 fancy dinner event, 1 warehouse party with big name DJs, 1 homemade Indian feast, 2 great concerts, 2 visits to Starlite Diner, 3 all-nighters, 5 nightclubs, and 12 excrutiating hours on Friday unable to consume food or water :evil: :lol: Did some grocery shopping, watched Russia and Turkey win (and small bits of Holland), and watched Tiger take the US Open to a play-off.

I suppose Monday doesn't count as weekend but in addition to the above, last night I saw Kylie Minogue in concert (heavenly!) and went to the after-party at Soho Rooms where I saw some of her crew. Also managed to pick up a stomach bug so working from home today. :confused:
Jaysus what a manic weekend skint here but cracking time 8)

Friday- My Celtic mate from Glasgow but living in London was over here with his wife for a wedding so met them for drinks, they had to leave early as they were up early for the wedding but i ended up drinking all nite.

Saturday - Running around all day trying to get organised for my party that nite, eventually got everything organised for 9pm then we met for dinner then drinks, then back to my new apartment which i had looking very nice, my mate got on the decks first as i cracked open the Champers and mixed Cocktails for the ladyz who were loving it:lol: by 1.30 the place was almost full and i got on tghe decks and played the best set ive played in recent times, Disco House all the way and the crowd loved it, by 3am someone else got on, there was wayyy too many people there about 50 or so which was 20 too many and the noise was way too loud, we had serious sh*t with the security in the complex, eventually around 8am it died down, the last of the stragglers 2 lovely ladyz left around 2pm;) have to say it was one of the best parts ive hosted in years, i received lots of texts and emails thanking for a wonderful nite. just too many people turned up, so wont be having another one like that for a while, video's to follow.;)

Sunday - Clean up operation and recover.
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Friday, cracking dinner in Putney, then onto the Gallery! Much better than i imagined!! Piccotto played more minimal than Trance, phew!!
Saturday was huge! Toolroom on the Thames Rocked!! Met the MWG & Girlfriend, great to meet you! Then onto Ministry, which was wicked! Spoon smashed it, finished his set with Sam Obernick doing a PA of Baditude! MK was wicked, as was D Ramirez!! Late night, and was hammered!
Only just recovered now!!