Weekend Reports


Well-Known Member
Friday - Long day at work. Got ready, then hit up Digital Society.
A very techie night. Schulz started playing Tech House and Tech Trance at around 2am, setting the tone for the rest of the night. Was a great evening.

Saturday - Recovered from Friday.
Sunday - Moped around the flat, thinking about my ex girlfriend. (Bah.)

How was it for everyone else?
U75 Glasgow meet on Saturday. A few pull outs, briefly 7 people and then down to 5. It was a strange mix of people; I'd want guaranteed bigger numbers before going to another, I think. I headed off at 8pm - not very good at drinking these days. Felt a bit vommy in the train. Dunno whether that was down to units consumed or the fact that my last drink was a weird green minty vodka thing. :lol:
Friday - Long day at work. Got ready, then hit up Digital Society.
A very techie night. Schulz started playing Tech House and Tech Trance at around 2am, setting the tone for the rest of the night. Was a great evening.

Saturday - Recovered from Friday.
Sunday - Moped around the flat, thinking about my ex girlfriend. (Bah.)

How was it for everyone else?
Do you mean Touse and Tecrance:)
Friday: Pilates then chilled all night...

Saturday: lunch out with the folks at my Dad's golf club - was quite amusing afternoon with the olds, then found out someone had managed to get me tickets for a get together later that night at a book launch/gig for a place Phil and I used to work at years ago in Newcastle which was awesome - people I hadnt seen in 20 years - cue lots of catch up stories, crazy film from back in the day of Riverside, too much to drink, too much laughing and catching up - priceless night!!!

Sunday: learnt a hard lesson.... just cos the bottle of beer says "organic" on it - doesn't necessarily mean its good for you... urgh - hangover hunger all day, ate body weight in crap but then did cook a couple of nice sirloin steaks and baked pots n salad - so felt "healthy" for a bit. Retired to my bed early

All in all - a pretty decent weekend 8)
worked night shift friday night which kept me out of trouble which was a good thing.

Saturday got into town bout half 3 straight to the pub and assembled our large group before going to Tayyabs curry house in Whitechapel. was a really good laugh although i hardly ate anything as i was trying to talk to all the 30 or so people who had come.

Then went to cafe 1001 to warm up before hitting Cable club for Ben Klock and Marcel Dettmann. Was brilliant night. got a couple hours kip on a mates floor then went back to the pub around 11am. got home about 10pm.

slightly wounded today
Do you mean Touse and Tecrance:)

No, I mean Tech House and Tech Trance.
Trouse is the combining of house and trance elements thats become pretty prolific in the genre recently. Markus keeped things pumping. I think the other DJs were good.

Protoculture didn't turn up though, which was a massive disappointment.

stephen: sulking, basically :p
Friday -

Fun with the family until the car went into failsafe mode and we limped to the garage. :(. Night out with Mrs Jam which ended up in Barasti Bar on the beach at the base of the Palm. Fell off the wagon briefly (4 beers) and then decided to get back on it again. A good night was had, but slowly reaching a decision that unless on a real session, I'm probably best to keep off the pop.

Felt like absolute crap, and Mrs Jam offered me a nice excuse that it was probably due to the smokey atmosphere in one of the bars (no law against it here), so eventually dragged myself up with a panadol or two and plenty of water.
Lazy morning by the pool then watched the rugby shame before heading off to buy some food and nibbles. Nice evening BBQ by the pool with some friends and a few neighbours. All westerners so plenty of pork sausages sizzling!

F1 in the morning, haggling with the garage in the afternoon. Can a fuel vapour sensor REALLY be that expensive????!! :x
Saturday's fetish outing was bizarre to say the least. :eek: :lol:

They'd obviously spent a lot of money on the production - lots of cars covered in strobes scattered around the warehouse and fantastic lazers etc.

However there's something about a male dominated environment like this which lacks fun. Torture Garden is hilarious because it comes with a tongue in cheek sense of humour, the outfits are more outlandish and you always meet such wonderful people from all ages/backgrounds.

Anyways - that was just incidental because last weekend was all about Sunday.

I almost wet self when I found out the "secret" location (usually a grotty car park) was the Ministry. 8)

(Kerri Chandler!!!)

I love so many of his productions and is one of the few people who has been consistently great over the years. However, I'm more of a fan of his "kaos" era so his set only really got going when he dropped Bar a thym and various other bombs. Standing in the middle of the box with all that bass is such a brilliant experience. 8)

My new fave thing = buying tickets for nights out without telling anyone and just doing the whole thing on tap water. No conversations on the dance floor, no muntedness to deal with and nothing between me and the music. It's the ultimate therapy (times are tough at the mo. :x :rolleyes:)

I wish the Ministry would do private alldayers every Sunday. (they'd better not close that place.)
All weekend by a pool with the missus in 29 degree heat in Tenerife.

Not marred by missus having the morning from hell around our deprature on Friday. She forgot the flight tickets (£8 to print at airport), managed to overpack (as I pointed out as she was packing but was met with denial:lol:) for the three days meaning we had pay £20 to check her bag and then lost her Blackberry (which turned out to be in the car when we came home today!:lol:)

Good times and a proper rest! Barely did any work at all!
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Friday - Skipped out of work early for cheeky Ikea run (although stopped back by the office for 30min afterward), attended a reception with some young European MPs, went to a bar for a few drinks, then to Solyanka for Ame 8)

Saturday - One-day Indian summer! :lol: 20 C weather so went for a bike ride, got a flat tire, had some lunch, walked home. Hit a bar for a few drinks in the evening but was home by 3.

Sunday - Watched some football. Did some grocery shopping. Made some food. Watched some TV.
Friday - Skipped out of work early for cheeky Ikea run (although stopped back by the office for 30min afterward), attended a reception with some young European MPs, went to a bar for a few drinks, then to Solyanka for Ame 8)

Saturday - One-day Indian summer! :lol: 20 C weather so went for a bike ride, got a flat tire, had some lunch, walked home. Hit a bar for a few drinks in the evening but was home by 3.

Sunday - Watched some football. Did some grocery shopping. Made some food. Watched some TV.

Sounds a quiet weekend for you. :lol:
then to Solyanka for Ame 8)

Was it a good night??
Club wasn't as full as it should have been, but the upside was there was just enough room to dance comfortably.

Ame were good. Not the best set I've seen in recent memory but nice groovy techno and, of course, the place went nuts when they dropped Rej.

All in all, a good night (helped by the fact that I was properly drunk by the time I got there :lol:)
Fri - Headed down to Devon (took care of the entire evening !)

Sat - Local Autumn Harvest Festival with female morris dancing troop (waved a poop scoop bag in the corner in lieu of a hanky :lol:), toffee apples, apple pressing and all things country :). Beach outing against force 10 gale (felt like it anyhow) ... finally got a big terracotta pot delivered and potted up a large Acer which had been blowing over all year.

Sun - Scotch Mist all day. Managed to get out again with the puppy who just will not tire himself out ... bit of work and watched 2 recorded episodes of Merlin - the new series :)oops:) whilst wrestling with a soft toy and a terrier. Sea bass and stuffed courgette dinner.

Evening glance at the weather forecast for next week led to total lapse in self control and the booking of a flight to Barcelona on Tuesday night ready for Marco Carola's 12-hour all-day marathon at Row 14 on Wednesday. 32 degrees and clear skies predicted - Going to try to do this one sober. Flight home on Thursday as Guy J is doing a 5-hour set at the Macarena Club on Wednesday night... maybe he'll drop the Pryda remix !!