Weekend Reports

Friday - out around Portobello Rd with the missus.

Saturday - watched the rugby and then went to watch my footy team. Lost 2-1:(. Being injured is terrible. Saturday night - cinema for Drive. Really good film!

Sunday - Leo Sayer based around going to White Hart Lane for Arsenal Spurs. Very lively atmosphere ruined somewhat by chanting that went beyond the pale for me. As reported on the footy thread, neither team would have fared well against a top team.
Friday - Went to a record release party for my mates' band, Blast. They had a guest act from the UK called Ocasan which is a pretty good band as well and really good guys. Fun party... got good and messy.

Saturday - Took it easy. Watched some football, got a ton of things done around the house, made some pizza, caught up on TV show viewing, etc.

Sunday - Big shopping trip to the supermarket. Had some people over for dinner (made a paella that had everyone raving!) then to the pub for a couple more beers.
Had a great weekend thoroughly making the most of the last weekend of sunshine :)

Friday - friend's engagement meal. Went to a Vietnamese in Shoreditch where the food was yummy, but the service appalling. Arrived there at 7pm in a group of 30 people to be told the booking had been cancelled! Cue lots of shouting and finally they squeezed us in front of the kitchen where it was VERY hot and noisy. They also gave us a deadline of 9pm, when they told us we had to leave, even though we all had drinks left. Nice!
After there the planned early night didn't quite happen, ended up in Moustache Bar then Dalston Superstore :eek:

Saturday - felt slightly ropey, but the sunshine was enough to make me want to get out and enjoy the day :) Popped into a pal's BBQ (they were all up from the night before still!) and enjoyed a burger and a few ciders. Then went to a friend's 30th night out at the Comedy Store, which was just ok (not really into comedy). Thankfully that was a pretty tame night by comparison and I was home in bed by midnight.

Sunday - another glorious day 8) Headed out to London Fields to lounge around in the park all day drinking. Just a great way to spend the 2nd October! Topped off the night with a Turkish meal and walked home in the balmy evening air.

Can't every weekend be like this?!

Apparantly it's supposed to snow next week :eek: (non-verified) :lol:
Crap for me.
Went to see jack dee for my best mates birthday and he was rubbish. Highlight was when a woman comedian started abusing me so I told her it was my mates birthday and she let rip :lol:
Bad thing was I didnt go home till 7am absolutely wrecked and felt the comedown and self loathing big time while the mrs wouldnt talk to me. And because we were arguing at 0730 on sat morning my baby climbed the stairs and my mrs was too busy screaming at me to realise that she was about to fall from top to bottom like an acrobat :( Feel wass annoyed with myself and my friends, I didnt want any drugs and had them all ranting at me and making me ring up to sort it out for them which le to bad times for me. Think I am gonna distance myself from them for a while I know they cant make m do stuff but I cant be around these people right now I have no self control :rolleyes:
Macdonalds for dinner yesterday made me want to throw up but I could hardly demand a nice roast which I normally get on sundays :D
Still in bed as got college at 1045 and cant be arsed to move. sigh.
Fri - Finished work for the weekend at 4pm (well, till Sunday) and then by 5.30pm was on the wine in the back garden with the missus and girls. Three bottles later and numerous mixes listened to on the ipod went to bed at 10pm

Sat- Awake early with mildish hangover then went for a quick 15 miler on the push rod. Then to parent in law's to do a 1/2 job that took 3 hours cutting trees. Back to mine, mowed the lawn and then back out by 5.30pm with neighbours to a nice little early bird meal deal at a small town called Altrincham, about a 20min drive from us. Cath offered to drive which was a mistake as I drank far too much wine again.

Sun - Up at 6am for overtime at work - Very tired all day but came home and had a homemade Chow Mein with more wine (why ?). Bed at 10.30pm.

Night shift tonight and I cant sleep in:x.
LOVELY sunshine! 8)

Really enjoyed getting out in the parks and photosynthesising...

...but bit "meh" on the enjoyment front as life is kinda stagnant and frustrating at the mo.


I'm feeling optimistic in equal measure though - just need to channel the frustration somewhere positive!

(could I be any more cryptic? :lol:)
Friday - Up early doors and chilled out in the sunshine all day 8)

Saturday - Watched the Merseyside derby then headed out for a good few beers with my mates.

Sunday - Just chilled most of the day and watched the footy games that were on.
strange weekend for me......

Friday - went to the 'friends and family' relaunch of one of liverpools best venues, the magnet. was great to see what they had done to the place and we had a few beers. i am told the official public opening on Sat night with Norman Jay was very very good indeed.

Saturday - up early in prep for the lunchtime kick off of the Merseyside Derby. Had some dreadful news about one of my closest mates family which put worrying about the match into perspective somewhat. got down the pub for a few before the game and enjoyed the sunshine and being out with all the match going lads. Game totally ruined by the referee is all i'll say on the game itself. afterwards - drowned my sorrows and then headed over to meet the missus and mates at a birthday/housewarming do for one of the girls. Had a laugh there and got home at 2am totally drunk.

Sunday - woke feeling horrendous which i suppose was inevitable after 15 hours drinking the previous day. got my head together and headed off to my nieces 2nd birthday party which was just lovely. she is an amazing little girl. in the evening had been invited to one of our DJ mates birthdays so headed into liverpool and had a couple of beers whilst listening to some fantastic really old old house music...
Took Friday pm off & a couple of the Wirral massive joined us for afternoon and evening drinks in Mark Addy & Atlas bar.
Got home very drunk about 11pm, kebab in hand.

Up at 7.30 for taxi to mates house to start an all dayer based around the rugby and footy. Made it to about 8.30pn then a curry on the way home. Did not make it to the end of MOTD.

Baby due on 19th, so all being well that's the last session I have until NYD.

Yesterday bought a pram & read the papers.
boozey weekend!
friday went out for dinner with my parents then caught up with an old friend at richmond riverside. got a pizza on way home , fell asleep whilst eating it. pizza all over the sofa.

saturday back to the scene of the crime an afternoon drinking pints at richmond riverside then dj'd at a squat party in east london. Was right by Shoreditch High St station. God knows how they got that building but it was huuuuge. Nice vibes all night and even blagged a lift home.

yesturday did a bbq all day in brixton was great to catch up with people although i spent the whole day cooking and hardly ate anything at all!
Ace long weekend - sunshine, beach time, long coastal dog walks, Brighton Oktoberfest, catching up with lots of friends, sunny pub beer gardens - bliss 8)