Weekend Reports

Jam Man

Active Member
Our weekend finishes tonight, and it's been EPIC!

Had two friends over from the UK and one from Oman for two birthdays and still can't believe how much we managed to fit into just 4 days...

Quick look around the Dubai Mall while we waited for Mr Oman to arrive, then lunch at "Apres" next to Ski Dubai. Afternoon at the pool catching up on things, then dinner at the Marina followed by a few drinks in Jumeirah.

Wild Wadi Waterpark. Yes, 4 grown men on surf machines, water flumes, death slides etc. etc. TOO much fun, and we stayed all day :lol:

Up early and off to the Emirates Auto Museum, aka the Rainbow Sheikh. Incredible collection of weird & wonderful cars including a HUGE Dodge pickup with bedrooms etc. inside. Managed to get a picture of every single car - even the globe and monster truck Mercedes.
Moved on from there to Ferrari World at the Yas Marina circuit just outside Abu Dhabi. To be honest this was a disappointment. Never been a fan of Ferrari but the reason for not being impressed was the lack of atmosphere and things to do. We stayed for 3 hours then headed home.
At 6pm we went up the Burj Khalifa to the "At the top" viewing platform on the 124th floor. Comedy ensued as one friend felt unable to leave the gift shop as a fear of heights gripped him. We took his camera and got him some pictures and a t-shirt to prove his attendance.
A great Arabic meal in front of the fountains followed, then drinks at the Barasti Bar on the beach in Jumeirah. We returned home in the early hours after what was a VERY long day.

Big breakfast to start the day and then it was off to the Dubai Autodrome for some single seat racing. I had low expectations of this, but we were allowed to get up to some pretty good speeds on the short course. Mr vertigo managed to spin it on a bend giving it the "full beans" and despite the 40 degree heat and plenty of sand off the racing line, the 180bhp sequential box cars were great fun, if something of a handful at times. I'll definitely be going back for the club pacing event next weekend. Might even make it a semi-regular activity.
After a quick lunch we headed over to the Palm Jumeirah and Atlantis. Fun at the aquarium followed by ice cream throwing (and catching) at The Cold Stone ice cream parlour.
The day finished with a trip to the Dubai Polo Club (just over the road from us) for a late afternoon drink.

The boys fly home early tomorrow and it's back to work for me, but it's been a great weekend.

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Went to fabric friday night. Was sold out but not uncomfortably busy by fabric's standards. Missed Four Tet in favour of room 2. Lone was brilliant. Jaques Green and Ben UFO as well

got home about 7.30am and slept for abit. spent the day vegetating as no one was around.
Saturday night with X Factor. Gary Barlow is ruthless!

Gona hit the gym tomorrow
Saturday - raining so went out to do farm shop stock-up, garden centre, take a car to the garage, buy dog teething toys etc etc .. Endless apples from the garden peeled, cooked and frozen. Masses of blackberries this year - but not as sweet and juicy as last year. Apple & Blackberry tart time. Nice fresh shellfish dinner with a smidgeon of vino 8).

Sunday - Sun emerged :eek: .. straight to beach 8). 14 large black refuse sacks full of grass off the garden in the late afternoon. Crazy growth :rolleyes: !! One very knackered me + a very wet mower .. looks ace again now though. Roast sea bass dinner restored good spirits 8).

An Indian Summer forecast this week in Blighty :D.. Might be time to make some daiquiris with all those mangos I chopped & froze in July if it stays nice :p....
Friday - Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy at cinema. Drags, drags, drags. Not recommended.

Saturday - Watched a bit of rugby and then footy. Won 10-0, subbed myself at 60 mins because the oppo were so poor. Watched the United game in the boozer early evening (while Justin Robertson played dubbed records in the background!) and then home.

Sunday - up at 6, watched the first half of Ireland's game and then jumped on a tube to Waterloo. From there got a boat to North Greenwich/The 02 - lovely morning trip with the sun shining8).

Nike 'Run to The Beat' half marathon was good day out - not least for seeing my brother-in-law going arse over tit while we running alongside the final straight supporting the missus. She did 2hrs 14mins, which she was happy enough with in the heat.

While the missus was running I watched Scotland lose by a point, with a pint and a full English, then popped to the stage for Calvin Harris 'Now That's What I Call SHM' set.:lol:

Took the missus and Sis + Hubby for lunch and watched trash last night
Friday: Dinner at SIX restaurant at the top of the Baltic in Newcastle. Great service and food was first class as usual. Palma violet cocktails mixed with Chablis was lethal. I always end up pssed when i go here.

Saturday: Went to a suprise 40th early evening and met up wiith loads of friends hadn't seen for a while, including my old Ibiza compadres. Left early to meet some other friends who were celebrating their birthdays elsewhere.

Lots of drinking ensued, including lots of real ale, not usually my thing.. vague flashes of dancing, falling, laughing, eating chicken.

Woke up Sunday, felt vile.

Later on decided to go to work for a few hours. Discovered i'd lost my wallet. cancelled cards and went to work. Car fuel light was on, no wallet or cards, decided to chance it, failed. Luckily rescued by mate.

Took kids to beach,went to an Ancient crafts festival at a lighthouse.:lol:

Been there for ten minutes when I hear someone calling my name, looked around and it was fellow spotlighter, Puppylover!!!

First time i've met Pups (or any other Spotlighter) - lovely to finally meet you and Phil!

Spaghetti and meatballs for tea and series 2 of Breaking Bad.
series 2 of Breaking Bad.

LOVE this! Just starting series 3 and STILL wondering where it's all going to go :lol:

Friday - food shopping - how the hell did I manage to spend £56 in ALDI without buying any meat? There's only 2 humans and 3 cats to feed FFS! A sign of the times maybe that even the 'budget' supermarkets are getting pricey?

Saturday - eye test - first time in 16 years that my prescription hasn't got any stronger. Thank funk for that - I was beginning to think I was going to have to upgrade to milk bottle glasses a'la Olive from On the Buses if my eyes got any worse

Saturday night - a quiet couple in a new Irish pub near us ended in one too many on an empty stomach.

Woke up yesterday feeling OK though and went to Zumba at 10am. The rest of yesterday was pretty chilled. I tanned my legs and sanded my hooves in preparation for this heatwave that is allegedly heading our way 8)
Friday - Had a couple of pints locally with a couple of the lads. All very sedate, back home by 10.30pm.

Sat - Up early in prep for getting to manchester for the match. Get a text at half 9 to say my ticket has fallen through! Headed into Liverpool to watch the match in the pub before continuing on to Manchester for The Warehouse Project. Got to Manc around half 3 and met up with half of the crew - few cocktails and dinner and then met up with the rest who had got a minibus in. Few more drinks and then into thw WHP. Brilliant production as ever, too busy as ever. I think it is just the layout of the venue but it just seems that everywhere you try and position yourself on the dancefloor, people are always pushing past etc. I'm not normally one to moan about this but it bothered me a little on Sat. Plus because it is pretty constant people start getting agressive, I had to tell some lad in no uncertain terms to get away after he started mouthing off at my missus and the girls as he tried to get past. Musically - 8/10, good but not great....Maya Jane Coles was OUTSTANDING, every bit as good as I hoped based on her Essential Mix. She is a class act. Visionquest were very good but did tail off somewhat in my view in the last 20 mins of their set. Marco Corola was on after them and last, and i just didn't really feel it at all...some of the others loved it but I am not, and have never been, a fan. I headed into the backround for the end of Four Tet which was impressive.

Sunday - cracked on back at one the girls and then had a cab ride from hell home from Warrington to Liverpool mid afternoon. Had some food and then slept. Knackered this morning!

oh - and not strictly the weekend, but my glasses fell apart this morning. Managed to superglue them back together and they looked fine, and then proceeded to try and clean my lenses with the cloth and managed to smear superglue all over the lense! Fuming!!
Friday: Dinner at SIX restaurant at the top of the Baltic in Newcastle. Great service and food was first class as usual. Palma violet cocktails mixed with Chablis was lethal. I always end up pssed when i go here.

Saturday: Went to a suprise 40th early evening and met up wiith loads of friends hadn't seen for a while, including my old Ibiza compadres. Left early to meet some other friends who were celebrating their birthdays elsewhere.

Lots of drinking ensued, including lots of real ale, not usually my thing.. vague flashes of dancing, falling, laughing, eating chicken.

Woke up Sunday, felt vile.

Later on decided to go to work for a few hours. Discovered i'd lost my wallet. cancelled cards and went to work. Car fuel light was on, no wallet or cards, decided to chance it, failed. Luckily rescued by mate.

Took kids to beach,went to an Ancient crafts festival at a lighthouse.:lol:

Been there for ten minutes when I hear someone calling my name, looked around and it was fellow spotlighter, Puppylover!!!

First time i've met Pups (or any other Spotlighter) - lovely to finally meet you and Phil!

Spaghetti and meatballs for tea and series 2 of Breaking Bad.

.... and you too Mark - what where the chances eh? for someone hung over to hell you looked pretty sprightly from where I was standing :)

Friday - dinner out with Phil in Tynemouth - wobbled home on public transport - always a giggle listening to the screaming teens giving it large with each other on the metro (whilst swigging from a bottle of fizzy Lambrini - that was the lads!!) hard as nails round our way - hard as nails! :lol::lol::lol:

Saturday - corporate whoring at the match - had money on Blackburn to win - b$%$£$ Newcastle soon put pay to that - :spank:) Still grand day with loads of really nice food and free champers - pity I had decided to drive but that was to stay sober for heading off to Sasha that night....

Sunday - Sasha didnt happen as got "summoned" over to the parents for lunch - think their noses were a bit out of joint from spending previous weekend down at the in laws.... :lol::lol: so to keep on the good side - we decided against Sasha (WTF is happening to me!!) and had a healthy day then had a run up the coast and came upon on an ancient crafts day where I stumbled across Mr MARKB - :lol::lol::lol::lol:

:oops::oops::oops::oops:Now you all know we are fans of the ancient crafts of Blacksmithery, Whittling, Drystone Walling and the like - does this mean an automatic ban from Spotlight.....:?:?
Friday - Had a couple of pints locally with a couple of the lads. All very sedate, back home by 10.30pm.

Sat - Up early in prep for getting to manchester for the match. Get a text at half 9 to say my ticket has fallen through! Headed into Liverpool to watch the match in the pub before continuing on to Manchester for The Warehouse Project. Got to Manc around half 3 and met up with half of the crew - few cocktails and dinner and then met up with the rest who had got a minibus in. Few more drinks and then into thw WHP. Brilliant production as ever, too busy as ever. I think it is just the layout of the venue but it just seems that everywhere you try and position yourself on the dancefloor, people are always pushing past etc. I'm not normally one to moan about this but it bothered me a little on Sat. Plus because it is pretty constant people start getting agressive, I had to tell some lad in no uncertain terms to get away after he started mouthing off at my missus and the girls as he tried to get past. Musically - 8/10, good but not great....Maya Jane Coles was OUTSTANDING, every bit as good as I hoped based on her Essential Mix. She is a class act. Visionquest were very good but did tail off somewhat in my view in the last 20 mins of their set. Marco Corola was on after them and last, and i just didn't really feel it at all...some of the others loved it but I am not, and have never been, a fan. I headed into the backround for the end of Four Tet which was impressive.

Sunday - cracked on back at one the girls and then had a cab ride from hell home from Warrington to Liverpool mid afternoon. Had some food and then slept. Knackered this morning!

oh - and not strictly the weekend, but my glasses fell apart this morning. Managed to superglue them back together and they looked fine, and then proceeded to try and clean my lenses with the cloth and managed to smear superglue all over the lense! Fuming!!

She's my DJ crush - I heart her!!!
.... and you too Mark - what where the chances eh? for someone hung over to hell you looked pretty sprightly from where I was standing :)

Friday - dinner out with Phil in Tynemouth - wobbled home on public transport - always a giggle listening to the screaming teens giving it large with each other on the metro (whilst swigging from a bottle of fizzy Lambrini - that was the lads!!) hard as nails round our way - hard as nails! :lol::lol::lol:

Saturday - corporate whoring at the match - had money on Blackburn to win - b$%$£$ Newcastle soon put pay to that - :spank:) Still grand day with loads of really nice food and free champers - pity I had decided to drive but that was to stay sober for heading off to Sasha that night....

Sunday - Sasha didnt happen as got "summoned" over to the parents for lunch - think their noses were a bit out of joint from spending previous weekend down at the in laws.... :lol::lol: so to keep on the good side - we decided against Sasha (WTF is happening to me!!) and had a healthy day then had a run up the coast and came upon on an ancient crafts day where I stumbled across Mr MARKB - :lol::lol::lol::lol:

:oops::oops::oops::oops:Now you all know we are fans of the ancient crafts of Blacksmithery, Whittling, Drystone Walling and the like - does this mean an automatic ban from Spotlight.....:?:?[/QUOTE]

I found it really interesting too! :lol:
Agreed, however I missed the pokers! :lol:

I was upset that I didn't get to go up the lighthouse though.....:lol::oops:

my thighs were still aching this morning - but I think that was through sheer fright of having to climb back down the stairs :cry:
Friday - Lunch at Cala Mastella. Walk around Ibiza Town. Carl Cox on the beach at Sands

Saturday - Lunch in Sant Llorenc, Defected @ Ushuaia, rocking all-night villa party, succumbed to rapid-onset flu around 7am

Sunday - Spent day curled up in a ball, went out to pharmacy and for Chinese takeaway, back in bed until nighttime, got up and went to Space to begin a 48-hour marathon that included 4 parties, about 24 hours of dancing, 6 hours of sleep, minor lower back pain, small battle with my hotel about checkout time, one Burger King burger, a fillet steak, and lots of fun people. Best Ibiza Finale Ever!

:p :D 8)
Friday - Lunch at Cala Mastella. Walk around Ibiza Town. Carl Cox on the beach at Sands

Saturday - Lunch in Sant Llorenc, Defected @ Ushuaia, rocking all-night villa party, succumbed to rapid-onset flu around 7am

Sunday - Spent day curled up in a ball, went out to pharmacy and for Chinese takeaway, back in bed until nighttime, got up and went to Space to begin a 48-hour marathon that included 4 parties, about 24 hours of dancing, 6 hours of sleep, minor lower back pain, small battle with my hotel about checkout time, one Burger King burger, a fillet steak, and lots of fun people. Best Ibiza Finale Ever!

:p :D 8)

best get cracking on your yearly review then mate!
friday - lunch at cala mastella. Walk around ibiza town. Carl cox on the beach at sands

saturday - lunch in sant llorenc, defected @ ushuaia, rocking all-night villa party, succumbed to rapid-onset flu around 7am

sunday - spent day curled up in a ball, went out to pharmacy and for chinese takeaway, back in bed until nighttime, got up and went to space to begin a 48-hour marathon that included 4 parties, about 24 hours of dancing, 6 hours of sleep, minor lower back pain, small battle with my hotel about checkout time, one burger king burger, a fillet steak, and lots of fun people. Best ibiza finale ever!

:p :d 8)
