Weekend Reports


Well-Known Member
Action-packed for me, though very different from what an action-packed weekend used to be when I look through my old reports on here!:lol:

Friday - early dinner at Inamo on St James on Regent St. Interactive touch-controlled tables for ordering, playing games and changing lighting and image on tables was all very fun. Ordering system broke down and after 45 mins they came and re-took oute order with a pen and paper:lol:. Food was passable.

Then popped round the corner to the Prince of Wales Theatre for Mama Mia. As dreadful as I expected but the missus enjoyed it, which was the objective, after all. Sat through it sober too, ahead of first competitive footy match of the season.

Saturday - did some work in the morning before covering every blade of grass on the pitch in the afternoon. Coasting at 2-0 with ten minutes to go, at which point some of our younger players switched off. Drew 2-2:evil:.

Saturday night - Nomad cinema in Queens Park for 'The Third Man'. Was hammering down when we got there and feared a wash out, but the rain cleared and it was really good, if achingly middle class. Couple of beers after.

Sunday - headed down London Bridge way to see the 'Wow Gorillas' including:

Much fun! Nice lunch and then watched Man U Chelsea, where Torres' miss just eclisped Arsenal's defending for the weekend's most tragic laugh!

Sunday night watched 'Fire in Babylon' about the Windies cricket team - great film/documentary. Viv Richards is a legend!
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Popped in to the Ministry last night after the Loft so the VIP signs, DJ pedestals and champagne swilling £££ were all the more apparent. :rolleyes:

Still, was great to see the place bursting at the seams with 30-somethings. Bloody amazing night.

What is it with the eff-ing security though? Last time I saw MAW there they took a disliking to a metal spike in my nose, the time before, it was the 3/4 length trousers, this time it was, "sorry you can't come in because you're wearing steel toe caps". FFS I must've been the biggest faerie in the place - flouncing around in a skimpy vest with a bleached barnet...obviously hatching plans to go on the rampage and kick all the Burton boys to death. :lol:

Knuckles played pretty much the same set as at Bestival - happy clappy but fun.

F&H in the bar =

Roach Motel - Movin' on
Solution - Feels so right

Left at 3-4ish and missed the Jamie Principle PA - had to be up for work this morn.

Wish the Misery was always like that (stone cold sober no less!) - perhaps this'll inspire them to resurrect Rulin more often.

I love London. 8)
Managed 6 days sans alcohol but cracked on Friday night with a couple of San Miguel
Managed to pull myself out of my post-Ibiza fog by attempting to plan a trip in November.
Managed to cook some passable first-attempt tapas
Managed to stay away whilst watching Hereafter - how LONG/SLOW is that film after the awesome Tsunami opening scene??
massive post ibiza blues so was abit down in the dumps
sun wa out friday so had a pint by the river in walton upon thames of all places
saturday still feeling blue but made it out to meet friends in Angel then standard few pints in a strip club then went to a mates house warming party. met an old friend at the party and caught up again at an old mans pub on holloway road sunday and got pretty trashed but was a good laugh
Friday - goodbye party for some friends. Drank way way too much considering the fact I had to come home, take a shower and head straight to the airport to...

Saturday - ... fly to Ibiza :D Spent a long layover in Barca by going downtown for a stroll, a few recovery beers and lunch. After arriving on the island and settling in, had planned a quiet evening but drinks with WeLuvIbiza & his misses turned into a night at Cafe Ole in Space with Roger Sanchez :lol:

Sunday - Beach time and lunch in Cala Llonga, depressing football viewing at the pub in Playa den Bossa, met up with a bunch of folks for drinks, went back to hotel to wash up & change before carrying on for the evening, and accidentally passed out :oops: :lol: No worries... still plenty of fun to be had this week :D
Worked friday night 1430-0400 and went to bed at 0530
Up at 1000 to get hair chopped and ready for battle with derby as it was early kick off. We lost, in quite poor fashion to :(
Stayed out after as it was my birthday yesterday and got so drunk I couldnt stand up 8) Not donr that for a while.
Spent sunday imitating a cabbage, was in such a mess mentally after sat night I had 3 bottles of cobra to ease it. It did work, however been to college today and felt an absolute mess :D
Defo planning no beer this coming weekend, gonna work out sat and sun to steer me away from temptation.