Weekend Reports


Active Member

Friday down to Birmingham with the good lady. Couple of drinks & a chinese.

Sat to Edgebaston. Love live test matches. Particularly winning days when we go no 1 in the world. Just a great big fancy dress party centred around world class sport8)

Sat night off to Sankeys & blow me if they don't think they are bergain.

Asking everyone 'how often do you come here, who have you seen before, where do you go in town'?!

Bizarre. Gave the right answers & you can understand wanting to keep chavs our but we are all into our 30's and seen more clubs than a baby seal!

Anyhow, belting night stayed till near the end.

Today footy on TV.
Mid-August quiet one

Fri / Sat - Massive clear-up. How on earth does a person accumulate so much sh1t in such a short time ? Bags & bags of recycling. Finally drove back to Devon when I could take it no more.

Sun - great day. 2 sheds re-felted. All grass cut and 10 bin liners full away to the tip. So nice to be back in the country.
Friday - Went to the cinema and saw Super 8. Don't bother.

Sat - worked in the daytime and then BOAT PARTY!!! Cracking work from Stu. Unfortunately, I remember very little after the point that some big South African switched from wanting to kill me to wanting to buy me lots of sambuca. Lovely to see some old faces and meet some new ones - just a shame not to have more chatting time with everyone.

Sunday - work, then a few drinks, then Rise of the Planet of the Apes, which was pretty good.
Friday - Worked, then the long drive down to Bristol from Leeds (with a long stop off around Nottingham)

Saturday - Friend's Wedding. Lack of single girls there for my single friend, which made me chuckle, as he desperately wanted to meet someone :lol: . Wedding ceremony was lovely. Food was great. Was driving, so no drink. Was a little bit sad I couldn't attend the boat party in London...

Sunday - Cleaned the inside of my car and had Sunday roast, then drove back to Leeds, with a long stop off around Birmingham.
Friday - Worked, then the long drive down to Bristol from Leeds (with a long stop off around Nottingham)

Saturday - Friend's Wedding. Lack of single girls there for my single friend, which made me chuckle, as he desperately wanted to meet someone :lol: . Wedding ceremony was lovely. Food was great. Was driving, so no drink. Was a little bit sad I couldn't attend the boat party in London...

Sunday - Cleaned the inside of my car and had Sunday roast, then drove back to Leeds, with a long stop off around Birmingham.


Nothing worse than going to a wedding single and not copping off!:lol:
Friday stayed in and chilled

Saturday met friends for lunch then saw the folks

Sunday spent the day cleaning and sorting out the flat, washing holiday clothes etc

Not that glamorous I have to say!
Friday: Last day in Ireland, enjoyed the beach and general family time.

Saturday: Left our cottage @ 02:45 to be in Dublin in time for the 08:10 sailing. Finally landed back in Leeds @ 16:30. Was not a pleasant journey home.

Sunday: Getting back into home mode, catching up with work. Bought the children a small treat for great behaviour all week, my boy got one of these; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbuZMuYRACU great fun for the grown ups too :D
Friday - Spent most of the evening in this new club Gypsy, which is apparently the place to be seen this summer

Saturday - Met up with a mate for beers mid-afternoon, which turned into a marathon drinking session - carried on in the pub watching football, then on to an outdoor concert at Strelka, then over to club Solyanka.

Sunday - Watched football, caught up on episodes of Breaking Bad
You seem to have a lot of these, Morb :lol:

Not uncommon... true. My kidneys still ache :lol:

I was blissfully curled up in bed with my laptop on Sat. afternoon when an American friend who just moved back to Moscow from London (last time I saw him was in the UK in May) calls up at 3:30 and says lets go grab a beer. So, drinking beer from 4pm until morning, basically. :lol: (although I did have a couple of lemonades around 9-10 to slow things down a bit :lol:)

Still wish I'd been in London on the boat :cry:

Not uncommon... true. My kidneys still ache :lol:

I was blissfully curled up in bed with my laptop on Sat. afternoon when an American friend who just moved back to Moscow from London (last time I saw him was in the UK in May) calls up at 3:30 and says lets go grab a beer. So, drinking beer from 4pm until morning, basically. :lol: (although I did have a couple of lemonades around 9-10 to slow things down a bit :lol:)

Still wish I'd been in London on the boat :cry:

:lol: Give up drinking? :p
I hope there is something similar to a boat party again!
Fri - Night in with the BF and a big naughty dominoes...

Sat - Went to windsor for the day which was lovely :D BF and me made a gorgeous lasagne together...neither of us was willing to decide what we wanted to do...decided to toss a coin....

Heads - stay in (aint gona lie i was gutted he did this option as its common knowledge that heads comes out more often than tails ;) :lol:)

Tails - go out...

Low and behold, first two were heads...so i went 'oh...looks like were staying in then', to which he said 'you wanted to go out' so back to square one again...:lol:
It was his mate chris's bday and they were heading to Covent Garden then onto sonewhere else, where my BF said is ****...before i knew it we decided we were going out, so i chucked myself in the shower, started applying the slap and necking vino....

then the BF's bro made him feel guilty about going out because of needing to prep for this interview esp as he was gona be working a 24 hour shift on the sunday and had the interview this morn :spank:

so i backed down and gave in, even tho i wanted to bl**dy go out :evil:

Off we went to blockbuster (see films thread) and get more vino for me as he studied the info...

Sunday - Gym then sod all
No sign of the johnny this morning .. :confused: sill waiting for a report back from ER ;)

Haha. It was a decent night. Not often you get to do mandy with an Amanda. A very huggy evening. :lol: That said, I doubt she's 'the one', but good fun anyway.
Haha. It was a decent night. Not often you get to do mandy with an Amanda. A very huggy evening. :lol: That said, I doubt she's 'the one', but good fun anyway.

I had manier dates like that and you kinda feel guilty as it was a good night but that 'something' just isnt there :spank:

Has she said about 'doing it again sometime' ?