Weekend Reports

Obviously quite a ways from Field Day but I did have a fun time on Sunday at the Red Bull Flugtag. 8) My mate and I got into a VIP section right on the water so we had a great view as all the 'aircraft' crashed and sank :lol:

Friday - went to an open air party where a friend was DJing. Got very wasted very early on. Rest is a blur
Saturday - Did a bit of shopping then went to a friend's birthday party at live music bar Krizis Zhanra
Feeling very ropey today and in need of a major detox! Think I drunk my weight in alcohol this weekend (and more) :eek:

Thursday met up with a couple of girlfriends for dinner and wine. You know how it is when you've not met up for a while... my plans of only having a few glasses of vino soon went out the window. 4 bottles (between us), two beers and a rum and coke later I was pretty much sozzled :eek: :lol: Not good planning by me seeing as I had:

Friday - friend's wedding in Essex . Woke up about 11am, straight in the shower and on the train to sunny Billericay for the church service. That was short and sweet and everyone piled back to the reception venue for Pimm's in the sunshine. What a great wedding - another full on day of boozing and indulgent food :eek: Rolled into bed about 1am.

Saturday - dragged my sorry hungover a.rse out of bed once again and headed down to Field Day for about 3pm. Had to queue for about half hr to get in, annoyingly the queue to buy tickets on the day was really short, but for people who'd pre-booked the tickets you had a massive queue!

Had a good time at Field Day, it was nice being out in the sunshine at a London Festival. The lineup wasn't massive for me, there were only a few bands I'd heard of / wanted to see. But we saw a few new names which was good. Finished off with The Horrors set and then onto Carl Craig to close the day.
Overall I think it's not that good value for money - £40 ticket and £4.10 for a can of San Miguel made it a very expensive day out. But having said that we were with loads of friends rolling around a park in London, the sun shone (eventually) and we saw some cool new bands and had a dance to Carl Craig. So I don't feel too short changed!

Felt VERY ropey yesterday and full of good intentions this week to detox - lets see if it actually happens :lol:
The BF was away on a stag do Fri to Sun so I made the most of having the flat to myself, was nice to have some me time as things have been hectic lately.

Went out with a gay friend I havent seen for 4 years on Fri, hit a few of the gay venues in Southend, was great to see him.

Feeling very run down and sorry for myself today, could really do with being in bed and not being disturbed by anyone :evil:
Theo Parrish - Plastic People.

Complete convert.

A big two fingers up to genre compartmentalism...the kind of set I've waited years to hear out. Everything from 60s psychedelia to disco, techno and early housey stuff.

Really inspiring times for music.
Fantastic, was wonderful to see the GF.
However, got back at midnight last night after a long drive back from Scotland, and am shattered today as a result.
Fri - :evil: :evil: :evil: :spank: left work at 5:30...didnt get to my bf's camp till 11:00 :spank: yup you guessed it, i was royally f**ked because of the M25 being shut...not having sat nav proved to be a pain in the arse, ended up giving up in some garage and having my bf come rescue me, luckily i was only 20 mins away from his....so not much of the evening eft to enjoy really...

Saturday - Off to Southampton to meet more of his family and got royally twatted at the bbq, and was, shamefully, first to hit the sack :confused: that is VERY rare lol....they had a bar in a shed with a fruit machine, telly, the lot, was wicked 8)

Sunday - all feeling a bit eughhh, headed off to watch a charity football event where i met Ralf Little (dude from the royal family and two pints of larger and a packet of crisps) as hes good friends with my bfs brother....went and had a roasty afterwards and watch the last of the chairty shield, emotional good byes from his mum :( then headed back to his camp then home later than evening...

The next few weeks are gona be emotional to say the least :(
Vic-zee is your BF in the forces, as you mention camp a few times?

My weekend was clubbing in Swindon (if you can call it that, its not like it used to be) on Saturday night after work, Sunday was housework day with a break in the middle to watch kevin n perry go large:lol:
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Mrs Jam & the Jamlets are back in the UK, so this weekend was spent by the pool with a copy of Clubland Confidential.

Still no alcohol since April. Now getting worried about the effect that the boat party is going to have....

Theo Parrish - Plastic People.

Complete convert.

A big two fingers up to genre compartmentalism...the kind of set I've waited years to hear out. Everything from 60s psychedelia to disco, techno and early housey stuff.

Really inspiring times for music.

I am dying to go to this club, cannot belive I am in London next weekend and it is shut for refurbishment :spank:
It is great - a real no nonsense sweat box...and really true to the original night club template (a club built around a sound system, not the other way around).

It's like a mini Ministry in that respect (only with MUCH better lineups :lol:)

...plenty more opportunities though eh? - you're spoilt for choice in London. ;)
I really liked matter but that got shut down, Fabric gets good line ups but it was full of blokes trying to chat me and my mates up all the time when I last went, been to Egg and wasnt impressed, been to MOS and wasn't impressed !! :)
Well to be fair, the venues you just outlined are all well known tourist traps.

Check resident advisor more often - loads of warehousey one offs and Dalston treats going on at the mo.
Laarverly, that sounds a bit more up my street!! Need to find something good on the 20th of August, any decent house nights in Brixton?
Christ dunno - out of town that weekend. Just scour resident advisor for listings.

Dex and Plan B pull some gems out of the bag at times.
Theo Parrish - Plastic People.

Complete convert.

A big two fingers up to genre compartmentalism...the kind of set I've waited years to hear out. Everything from 60s psychedelia to disco, techno and early housey stuff.

Really inspiring times for music.


Oh yeah! Poss my fave dj - he is tremendous, jazz to techno to ... everything. And a proper performer. Loves the music and crowd, gurning away himself.

Really want to get to plastic people, thats the place four-tet is associated with innit?
It is great - a real no nonsense sweat box...and really true to the original night club template (a club built around a sound system, not the other way around).

It's like a mini Ministry in that respect (only with MUCH better lineups :lol:)

...plenty more opportunities though eh? - you're spoilt for choice in London. ;)

Did you see carl craig was the "special surprise guest" there on Saturday. Not really a surprise but I bet that was an amazing night!!