Weekend Reports


Well-Known Member
Good weekend, all?

Was a good one for me. Went up to see the girl I'm seeing for the weekend. She had to work some of it, which sucked, but that's life.
Long drive back, via the Yorkshire Dales. Lots of twisty roads, and lots of sheep. Best weekend I've had in awhile. Summer has officially started :)
I was all sorted for my 10k race on Sunday, just about to tuck into my bowl of pasta the night before whn i got one of thsoe calls "Where are you? everyone's out!"

So I went out, got pissed and sacked off the 10k race.

Friday - Drinking with friends, bar hopping, got home early morning
Saturday - Slept half the day, went drinking with friends, bachelor party, bar hopping, got home early morning
Sunday - Slept half the day, went drinking with friends, bar hopping,

Some kind of pattern there :lol:
Feel surprisingly fresh today after 3 days on the sauce (Saturday night was especially epic, beverage wise...)
Friday - couple of beers and watched 'The Secret In Their Eyes'. I say watched, I fell asleep, but the missus' assured me it's amazing. I will get back to it.

Saturday - Wicked breakfast at Hugos, a nice little place near ours. TfL Lost Property exhibition in Hoxton Square, followed by 'Kate and Other Girls' exhibition in Chelsea. La Moss is embarassingly bad in the 'Adventures of Miss X' short film clip shown at it.

Beers and Glastonbury wtaching in the evening.

Sunday - mates' kids (two girls) christening followed by BBQ at his. Nice food offset the having to set foot in church.

Beers and Glasto watching at night. I thought Beyonce was amazing. Nothing's free of commerciality these days, so if you're gonna do pop, do it BIG, I say.
I was all sorted for my 10k race on Sunday, just about to tuck into my bowl of pasta the night before whn i got one of thsoe calls "Where are you? everyone's out!"

So I went out, got pissed and sacked off the 10k race.



It was far too hot anyway - you made the right medical decision ;)

Looking at the state of me today - I mainly spent too much time outside without appropriate sunblock....

lobsterred.com :spank:

It was far too hot anyway - you made the right medical decision ;)

Looking at the state of me today - I mainly spent too much time outside without appropriate sunblock....

lobsterred.com :spank:

I am also lobstered - was a nightmare trying to pick something to wear this morning.

I have random uneven lobsterish bits too.

A colleague had a right go at me "what have you done to your skin" I thought you dont want to see my legs :lol:
My weekend was:

Friday - pizza and TV night, so nice to just chill, last week was a long and emotional week

Saturday - lunch with the girls and baby, then a visit from my aunt who hasnt seen our new pad yet and then evening consisted of dinner al fresco and a bottle of wine down by the seafront :lol:, then more wine on the balcony back at home while the BF tried to make a fire in our BBQ - what is it with men and fire?

Sunday - sunbathed, sunbathed, complained about the heat (bad I know), then dinner at my parents and a bit of Wii action
I am also lobstered - was a nightmare trying to pick something to wear this morning.

I have random uneven lobsterish bits too.

A colleague had a right go at me "what have you done to your skin" I thought you dont want to see my legs :lol:

ha ha glad its not just me being a dimebar then!

Poor Phil looks like he slept on his back in a pan of boiling water he's far worse than me - his body hasnt seen sun since last June in Ibiza :lol::lol::lol: :spank:
What a beautiful weekend 8)

Friday - Poxy 2 hour trip to get to the bfs, he made me dinner when i got to his - funny making do with a communal kitchen and all miss matching plates and cuttlery :) standard lee evans watch as always and him and i love him.

Saturday - Set off to Malvern, where we had a booked a stunning little cottage in the country side to stay. Lovely pub lunch then off to see Lee Evans in the evening after a gorgeous italian meal, Lee Evans as ever was on form, the man is hiiiilarious, my face actually ached after laughing and smiling so much....thankfully over that neck of the woods there was much to keep us out on the piss, which i was glad off :lol:

Sunday - Lovely fried breakfast made for us, then we set off to my aunties to see my nan and grandad for a lush bbq and for the bf to meet the better half of my family, then headed home late afternoon. Watch glasto when beyonce was on and couldnt turn the dam telly off....all in in a lush weekend
ha ha glad its not just me being a dimebar then!

Poor Phil looks like he slept on his back in a pan of boiling water he's far worse than me - his body hasnt seen sun since last June in Ibiza :lol::lol::lol: :spank:

That made me wince reading that!

Thing is I put cream on and then sat outside for about 20 mins and somehow my legs are sooo burnt - looks like Im wearing red stockings :lol:
Oh er I'm in Ibiza
So far since fri .....

Bora bora
Cuban bros at es vive
Defected at ushaia
Bora bora again
Wally Lopez at blue marlin :) :)
First food in 3 days at yemanja
Dc10 today and afters at disco bomb at es vive

Rest of the week
Supermartxe pool party and Flower power at pacha tomorrow then who knows!!!

Am impressing myself stamina wise so far it may all fall apart after dc10 tho !
Oh er I'm in Ibiza
So far since fri .....

Bora bora
Cuban bros at es vive
Defected at ushaia
Bora bora again
Wally Lopez at blue marlin :) :)
First food in 3 days at yemanja
Dc10 today and afters at disco bomb at es vive

Rest of the week
Supermartxe pool party and Flower power at pacha tomorrow then who knows!!!

Am impressing myself stamina wise so far it may all fall apart after dc10 tho !

Fri: Work

Sat: Work, then evening bbq. We have run out of logs and couldn't get any anywhere so resorted to using some coal in the chimenea, god what a stinking rotten decision that was!

Sun: Work, then village fayre in the afternoon. Absolutely fabulous day thanks to the weather, lots of burned bodies on show:lol::lol: Great to see all the kids having so much fun in the sun. Followed by a few beers at the village local fantastic beer garden when the weather is good. bbq and music.

lovely weekend.
Oh er I'm in Ibiza
So far since fri .....

Bora bora
Cuban bros at es vive
Defected at ushaia
Bora bora again
Wally Lopez at blue marlin :) :)
First food in 3 days at yemanja
Dc10 today and afters at disco bomb at es vive

Rest of the week
Supermartxe pool party and Flower power at pacha tomorrow then who knows!!!

Am impressing myself stamina wise so far it may all fall apart after dc10 tho !

Well, i think its safe to safe, that has probably spanked everyone else's weekends on here, by a long shot 8)
friday stayed in n watched glastonbury
saturdy went out for drinks at richmond riverside then Thai dinner just over the bridge.
Sunday up early to fly to NY. Arrived after being delayed by a totally wasted guy who they refused to let on the plane , he could hardly stand up.Had to wait for them to fish his bag out the hold. Is hot and humid tho not as hot as london by all accounts. Staying in mid town so met a friend and went to Mcmanus pub on 23rd street i think. its there 75th birthday and the annual stickball game in the street was in full swing. Also gay pride that day so the whole area was buzzing.
Today wake up at 6am on the 50th floor looking towards the statue of liberty. Massive cruise liner coming down the hudson river , was like a 10 storey building or something. Need to unpack now then its off to work in an hour which is gona be non stop till just before i leave :(
Oh er I'm in Ibiza
So far since fri .....

Bora bora
Cuban bros at es vive
Defected at ushaia
Bora bora again
Wally Lopez at blue marlin :) :)
First food in 3 days at yemanja
Dc10 today and afters at disco bomb at es vive

Rest of the week
Supermartxe pool party and Flower power at pacha tomorrow then who knows!!!

Am impressing myself stamina wise so far it may all fall apart after dc10 tho !

I am coming with you next time - you have more stamina than Phil... :lol::lol::lol: