Weekend Reports


Well-Known Member
Nothing too exciting from me:

Friday - took the missus out for an early dinner and then home with three DVDS: Sparticus, Munich and Inglorious Bastards. Fell asleep watching Sparticus. Very pleased with myself keeping calm for Saturday's quarter final.

Saturday - up early to clear some stuff out of cupboards at my house (which I rent out). God there's some memories, when you start clearing through old stuff. Talk about ghosts of girlfriends past!

At midday I find out my game is off:spank:

Saturday night - the missus and I settle down to watch Inglorious Bastards and realise that's just what it is. Not 'Inglorious Basterds'. This one was made in 1977!:oops:

Sunday - sorting though stuff from the house and storing at my flat, followed by a nice Sunday roast at a boozer while watching Arsenal draw with Leyton Orient:rolleyes:

So nothing much to report. Someone trump me with a tale of daring-do, debauchery and maybe comandeering coaches or something, please.
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no such trumping from me after last weeks drunken mess.

Friday - Cooked home made curry , couple beers , tv
Saturday - Left over Curry , couple beers , tv
Sunday - Gynm , left over curry

* extra browny points for resisting a barrage of abuse on facebook for not coming out to the pub friday evening (which turned into a massive bender as expected resulting in major hangover's,lost items of clothing and suspected broken bones. And then the follow on hangover afternoon/get back on it session in east london strip clubs)

Mine was incredibly busy, both of our dads bdays this weekend (boyfriends dad was 70) so lots of faimly things, celebrating, eating etc etc

Feel knackered today :eek::lol:
Mrs Jam was sidelined witha migraine most of the weekend so both Saturday & Sunday were spent with the Mini Jams roaming through the forests getting muddy and knackering them out to ensure peaceful evenings.

Cooked my trademark roast dinner on Sunday:

Minted peas
Roast potatoes (goose fat & rosemary)
Yorkshire Pudding (from scratch)
Honey roast parsnips
Steamed carrots
White Cabbage

Jelly & ice cream for dessert.

Two boys tucked up in bed by 7pm.

Rock n Roll :rolleyes:
Mrs Jam was sidelined witha migraine most of the weekend so both Saturday & Sunday were spent with the Mini Jams roaming through the forests getting muddy and knackering them out to ensure peaceful evenings.

Cooked my trademark roast dinner on Sunday:

Minted peas
Roast potatoes (goose fat & rosemary)
Yorkshire Pudding (from scratch)
Honey roast parsnips
Steamed carrots
White Cabbage

Jelly & ice cream for dessert.

Two boys tucked up in bed by 7pm.

Rock n Roll :rolleyes:

I could eat that dinner right now
Friday - Get in from work, nearly kill sisters kitten, not once but twice in a space of 20 minutes :eek: dam thing follows me round like a bad smell :confused: went off to rock climbing, actually pushed myself on uping my climbing level - 6b =DONE 8).....all what i burnt off there i put on again by devouring a chinese take out and watched that new fighter film ? with mark walhberg (isnt all that if im honest)

Saturday - Slept a whole 11 hours 8) then smashed the gym, went to a mates where he cooked us a beautiful steak dinner...where i asked for brown sauce and the look of horror on his face was priceless, id love to say i were joking as most went fot the peppercorn sauce, but i wasnt :lol: brown sauce and steak ftw :D then did a whole bottle of wine whilst watching the bone collector and the departed.

Sunday - up early and in the gym for a good 2 hours 8) then home and was in bed by 6 :eek: and alseep by half 9 :eek: but obviously top gear was watched 8)
Great weekend - nice and relaxing. Picked up some framed prints for the living room - they look amazing so am chuffed to pieces.

Fairly relaxed till Sunday eve - went to that La Soiree thingy on the South Bank...it was brilliant. :eek:

Finished up in some crap bar in Clapham. Feeling past my best today.

Also feeling very proud of self for remaining calm and standing my ground when a National Front skinhead type (tattooed face, masstive spikey rings, the lot :confused: :confused: :confused:) got really lairy and decided to pick a fight with me on the way home. Could've ended in disaster (apparently this "faggot" is lucky he was in a good mood - oh purlease) but instead of retreating I dodged all the negativity and mirrored his gaze. Thankfully he got off the tube at Liverpool St - everyone on the carriage looked horrified.

Fact is => the joke was on him because he looked like one of the fisty piggy types that inhabit the RVT in Vauxhall. Funny how gays have reclaimed the 80s skinhead look and completely made it their own. :lol:
Fact is => the joke was on him because he looked like one of the fisty piggy types that inhabit the RVT in Vauxhall. Funny how gays have reclaimed the 80s skinhead look and completely made it their own. :lol:

sounds like some definite self-hating going on there - props for your cool handling of the situation

I had a bit of drama of a different kind on Friday - I helped a friend move house. Bit of a palaver I could've done without but the least I could do as she had spent much of the last 3 months sectioned in some mental hospital after having some psychotic episodes following a bicycle accident :eek: So car filled and straining under the weight of her shoes, fur coats, mannequins etc, we left bethnal green and headed up to Hitchin where we were horrified to arrive and find her outgoing tenant (for reasons unknown) had changed the locks. Cue - stressed chat with the police "unfortunately, this is a civil matter" + frantic search for 24 hour locksmith at 9pm on a friday night in some godforsaken town in the middle of nowhere. Then upon learning it would cost £100, I was sent off to find a cashmachine in the town, which took ages. I have had more pleasure-filled Friday evenings.

Saturday, a friend came over with a guitarist and an awesome vocalist and recorded some tracks in my small flat turned makeshift studio. It's interesting hearing a record being made from inception to completion although also monotonous at times. I was teaboy mainly (not quite as rock n roll as a fleetwood mac recording session alas) the final record is going to sound great (elements of Lamb, portishead, radiohead amongst others in there) still needs to be mastered and then hopefully released by the summer.
Saturday, a friend came over with a guitarist and an awesome vocalist and recorded some tracks in my small flat turned makeshift studio. It's interesting hearing a record being made from inception to completion although also monotonous at times. I was teaboy mainly (not quite as rock n roll as a fleetwood mac recording session alas) the final record is going to sound great (elements of Lamb, portishead, radiohead amongst others in there) still needs to be mastered and then hopefully released by the summer.

:eek: impressive.
Friday, downloaded new radiohead

Listened to it all weekend.

Back in work with a bike ride and few pub pints thrown in for good measure.

Living the dream.
Friday played a round of golf (the winter rust is intact played so so)

Friday evening drove to Washington DC had more than my share at one of my brothers local.

Saturday Spent time with family good to see brothers and sisters and there children

Saturday night had enough of family time drove back to New Jersey in a wind storm. Cars and trucks were pushed around the whole 3 hours.

Sunday chilled out was disappointed by the lack of effort from arsenal
My weekend was pretty good. How much sleep can one woman get in a weekend 10hrs friday, 10hrs sat, and 9hrs last night :) :)

Fri: died from overwork as soon as I got home and put my feet up - absolute bugger of a week....

Sat: Everton v Chelsea Cup match??? I dont think so - so headed off to the coast to meet my friend for lunch and to catch up on her next "new boyfriend" saga - getting slightly bored of the drama created by her with every bloke she picks off t'internet - but I think its possibly just me...:oops:. too old and too out the loop to understand the current dating game of dating websites and just get together for sex websites :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Got home to find Phil in a frenzied state as match had gone into ET - after the penalties it looked like mouth to mouth recuscitation was going to be needed :lol: - anyway - one very happy husband.
Cooked Tandoori chicken from scratch chilled with some Norwegian film called Let the Right one In.... quite slow and very "atmospheric" but kind of got into it and actually enjoyed it - not as slow as I figured it was going to be....

Sun: absolutely brass monkeys up here - ventured out for the papers and lay around all day listening to music and reading - couldnt even be bothered to cook so ate left over tandoori chicken, onion bhaji's and rice for Sunday Lunch - ooh felt like a student again...

.... and now its Monday again...... sigh!
2manydj's at The Arches (Glasgow) on Friday night. Busiest night I've been to there, if not quite the best, but still bloody good. 8)