Weekend Reports


Well-Known Member
Fri- Nowt. Apols to Russ, whose's stag do I blew out on account of (a) feeling a bit run down and (b) the missus having a terrible week at work and needing TLC.

Sat - Carrying a knock so watched my team draw one all in the freezing cold. The evening was far more pleasant - dinner and a few beers in excellent company.

Sunday - Hangover despite taking it easy the night before!:spank: Lunch at Wagamama, followed by the cinema for The Orphanage, followed by Nandos. The health drive is coming along just great.:lol: The Orphanage is great btw - go see it. Oh and I bought a really nice mac in Reiss.

Rock and roll, eh?
Fri: Out for a clubbing experience in a small upstairs room of a notorious bar in Newcastle, its fair to say Phil and I were attending with an open mind but with a slight feeling of trepidation.....

Few drinks in various "safe" drinking establishments (you cant be too careful on the w/e of the notorious "derby" match in the NE). Got to the club early doors to ensure maximum dancefloor advantage. What a great little club - 250 capacity tops, not a checky shirt or a gold belcher chain in site, no beer monsters, majority of punters were grinning little dancemonkeys - offering you a drink of their water, moving to one side to allow people to move through the pub, helpful courteous staff on the door, behind the bar, doorstaff with no attitude - by 12.30 the place was packed and Jody was playing to a very appreciative crowd - his set was good, nothing groundbreaking but fitted the general ambience of the club perfectly. I can confirm that this is now my new favourite club to get minxy - none of the crap that comes with Shindig at Digital and generally 100% a very good clubbing experience..... Jaunt @ The Red Rooms is now the Pups new monthly establishment...... 8)8)8)

Sat: up at 10.30 despite only 4hrs sleep. Off to the Garden Centre and spent the day up to my elbows in soil and bedding plants... enjoyed feeling purposeful on a slightly floaty but sunny day.... Chinese takeout and a film - lovely chilled night.

Sun: Almost finished copying our CDs to the iPod (well Phil has not me :lol::lol:) - so far, up to 346 days of music now....:eek::eek: I never really thought of how much time listening to music "could" take.... :lol::lol: More Gardening - erected a small greenhouse and potted more plants and seeds... Aching like a b**t**d by 8.00pm - hot bath and chilll....

Felt very virtuous this weekend in that I got minxy and yet still did everything that was on the list....8)8)8)
Fri - Indian dinner out then collapsed by 1030 very very tired :eek:

Sat - off to Camden for the Camden Crawl. Was a hilarious weekend, definitely want to do it next year. Was just nice to explore various pubs in Camden and see what was going on rather then at some festivals where you feel you gotta clock watch all the time so you dont miss anyone you really want to see. We saw quite a few bands too and went to venues that you always hear about (Electric Ballroom, Koko) but never go to.

All in all a top weekend 8)
Friday - Met some former colleagues for our quarterly karaoke reunion. After a long and very boozy session, headed to The Most for a party hosted by Paris Hilton. The comedy factor was off the charts.

Saturday - Spent the afternoon catching up on episodes of the Daily Show and the Colbert Report. At night, went to a big warehouse party billed as part of the Amnesia Ibiza World Tour. Caught sets by ATB and Mauro Picotto. They were OK, but nothing special (found myself enjoying ATB's trance better than Picotto's techno... began to worry about myself)

Sunday - Lazy day at home. Did some web design work. Caught up on newspaper coverage of the US elections.
A weekend of feeling old.

Friday I nailed the bottle of red I got from some friends for my birthday. A Pomeral Chateau Croix de Gay to be precise, followed up with a Pauliac that a friend had bought. These bordeax things are only just starting to mean something to me – but by christ they tasted good.

Then off to pub & then games night at mates. Pool poker and darts in his basement. Much fun. Got trollied.

Saturday death pain and despair. Then off to Bradford to stay with mates – and very nice it was indeed. Out in the hills in a lovely converted barn that they are renting. V Nice evening.

Sunday = the times and dominos pizza.
fri - quiet night in with the missus

sat - pottered about the house all day, headed out to Karbon - strolled up at about 22:30 to get some drinks in at the bar above it - knocked back despite being on the guestlist. no phone reception in there so couldn't get hold of the DJ to get us in but managed to speak to someone we knew who sorted that for us - apparently Karbon is now going back to the 90s as it was my trainers (unbranded) that were the problem. Despite having mates DJing there, we wouldn;t go and spend ****loads in there - getting close to wrapping that on the head

sun - rangers in the cup semi. awful awful game but got through in the end
Friday - bundles with the kids at home and usual Friday night telly - Balls Of Steel and Friday Night Project. Sky+ Dirty Sexy Money as the kids had hidden my bins so couldn't see a thing!

Saturday - Swimming in the morning. Missus done her jumble sale thing and raised £8! Old dear visited for the afternoon so we took kids down the park and got wet in the rain. Watched Finding Nemo (just keep swimming swimming swimming) for the 100th time. Put the kids to bed around 9.30 then had a few drinks etc with the missus and sat up for the boxing which was ok. Great result for Joe, hardly a classic but was never going to be pretty. How much of a mug did Hopkins make of himself with his antics! Pr1ck! It's a shame coz he had been one of the all-time greats of boxing and don't need to be doing things like that.

Sunday - Mucked about with the kids indoors. Watched footie and a couple of films It's all gone Pete Tong and Swordfish Got Chinese last night and that was that!
Fri - day in Brighton with Tom and Sil. I do love the English seaside out of season, spent the day eating cakes, wandering round the Lanes, playing on the beach and then had the bestest fish, chips and mushies at The Regency :D

Sat - girlie lunch and then back to ours to prepare for our Bang Babes and Boxing Party :lol: Great night, I'm def getting old when I prefer nights in to clubbing :oops::lol:

Sun - final guests left about midday, realised there was no point trying to sleep so headed to the pub to meet all the usual suspects for roasts and vinos and drank ourselves in oblivion
Fri - Nice long sesh at the gym, bottle of the red stuff and food.

Sat - Up early to pick van up for a weekend of being 'white van man', went to MK, bit of clothes shopping, food at wagamama's, off to IKEA for there 21st bday celebration, therefore 21% off everything, not as chaotic as first thought got what needed and came home.

Sun - Up at 5 to get on the road to Devon to clear final bits of Dads stuff up, all went swimmingly but absolutely knackering, got home about 9 in the evening, couple of beers and then crash!!
friday few drinks after work with team after work in reading then all back to ours for a carry on...... very messy.

sat recovery curry tv

sun more recovery curry more tv sunday papers etc etc

Fri: --> Barcelona for a boys weekend. Unlike some of the dozy b*ggers had checked the weather forecast and had suitable clothing. Lovely warm shorts weather on our arrival. Stayed in a hotel just off La Rambla nice and convienient. Visited many bars until the early hours.

Sat: Strolled around aimlessly but at least kept out of the pubs for a few hours. Then beers! Of the group of 12, only 4 made it to the game in the evening, sadly I wasn't one of them :( Too many beers in the evening & missed the turning for our hotel when I left to go back alone, and was being groped and propositioned every 20 seconds until finding the hotel. I must have looked like a sex tourist or something:oops:

Sun: Again wandered around the bars without seeing too much of the city. Saw some guys on La Rambla doing somersaults and other insane stunts from more or less a standing position, quite:eek::eek:

Mon: At last, recruited a few lads to have a proper wander around the streets and squares. They thought it was hilarious when a lovely Chinese girl asked me to take a photograph of her with Monument Colum in the background. To say she was quite particular was an understatement, I had to do about 30 takes on the same pic! Home late evening to the freezing cold:cry:

I am desperate to visit Barcenlona with Shelley to see more of the city, and really don't understand the purpose of these boys weekends anymore and won't be entertaining trips of this nature again :spank:
Of the group of 12, only 4 made it to the game in the evening, sadly I wasn't one of them :(

you didnt miss much it was 0-0! :lol:

I played some golf in the morning on saturday, then managed to get a ticket to Fulham v Liverpool. Fulham were awful, no surprise they're going down. Then went to Sarah's who prepared such a lovely dinner for us ;)

Nothing much on sunday