Weekend Plans


Well-Known Member
I'll kick this off for this weekend.

Thursday - Transcend's first party of the month. I'm DJing for 2 and a half hours with my best mate. (http://www.facebook.com/events/386851571404845/?ref=14)
Friday - Out in Brighton with some other uni friends to celebrate the end of exams
Saturday - Will find an excuse to go out and I'm sure!
Sunday - Out in Brighton for progressive social, one of the guys who is playing for me in two weeks runs the night so I said I'd pop down.
Monday - Die, then start uni :lol:
Friday - Django Unchained at cinema
Saturday - lie in. House stuff. Watch my footy team as I'm still injured.
Sunday - watching football all day

(All of this subject to The Muckley making his debut!)
Friday - Django Unchained at cinema
Saturday - lie in. House stuff. Watch my footy team as I'm still injured.
Sunday - watching football all day

(All of this subject to The Muckley making his debut!)

The Muckley is due pretty soon isn't he?
My plans are still kind of all up in the air. Want to do 3 or more of the following:
1. take a girl out for dinner & and to see Django
2. meet up with another girl to see Anna Karenina
3. go to Gipsy to see Tiefschwarz, et. al.
4. watch Chelsea v Arsenal down at the pub
(plus a bit of grocery shopping and household stuff)

Now, if I could just nail down times for 1 & 2, I'll know what's up with everything else :confused:
Tonight - out for a few drinks with a girl I recently ran into who I haven't seen for ages.
Tomorrow am - go pick up a car I just bought. Not exciting, it's a huge downgrade, just something sensible that does 50mpg rather than my 27mpg Audi turbo.
Friday - drive to Bognor for Bugged Out. Extremely excited about that, as long as we get there through the snow!
Monday - drive home from Bugged Out, then sleep. Then out in the evening for Saints vs Everton and a few beers for my (sort of) leaving do.
Tuesday - load the car up with all my belongings, and drive to Peterhead, Aberdeenshire. Absolutely dreading it. 604 mile drive from the South coast, I reckon at least 12 hours on the road. Grim!
Tonight - One that Ikoda will be very jealous of... Off The Rails - A Journey Through Trance. Classics night starting with the present day and working it's way back set by set to 1997. Massively massively excited about this. First proper night out of the year. Looks like the snow is going to behave itself and let us get to Sheffield

Tomorrow - Carry on at my mate Si's then attempt to go to bed for a bit. Evening heading out to Re:Format in Manchester for more trance. It's local and only a fiver to get in plus got mates playing and loads of Manc mates are playing out so should be a good one.

Sunday - Carry on then crash at some point

Fun times :)
Tonight - out for a few drinks with a girl I recently ran into who I haven't seen for ages.
Tomorrow am - go pick up a car I just bought. Not exciting, it's a huge downgrade, just something sensible that does 50mpg rather than my 27mpg Audi turbo.
Friday - drive to Bognor for Bugged Out. Extremely excited about that, as long as we get there through the snow!
Monday - drive home from Bugged Out, then sleep. Then out in the evening for Saints vs Everton and a few beers for my (sort of) leaving do.
Tuesday - load the car up with all my belongings, and drive to Peterhead, Aberdeenshire. Absolutely dreading it. 604 mile drive from the South coast, I reckon at least 12 hours on the road. Grim!

Have a good one and good luck with that drive on Tuesday!!
I'll kick this off for this weekend.

Thursday - Transcend's first party of the month. I'm DJing for 2 and a half hours with my best mate. (http://www.facebook.com/events/386851571404845/?ref=14)
Friday - Out in Brighton with some other uni friends to celebrate the end of exams
Saturday - Will find an excuse to go out and I'm sure!
Sunday - Out in Brighton for progressive social, one of the guys who is playing for me in two weeks runs the night so I said I'd pop down.
Monday - Die, then start uni :lol:

Bit of a failure this weekend. Transcend was the highlight, busier than the launch party which considering the time of the year was impressive! All the DJs played good sets.
Even had people dancing towards the end, and considering it's a bar, that was good going :). Ended up somewhat drunk about 3/4s of the way through my set :lol:, memory disappears around midnight.

Friday: Due to a small amount of snow, everyone bailed and going out. Felt pretty sick all day anyway so didn't leave the house.

Saturday: Ended up doing nothing.

Sunday: Out to progressive social, a mates night. Was quiet but still was good fun. Ended up DJing for about an hour in total.
My plans are still kind of all up in the air. Want to do 3 or more of the following:
1. take a girl out for dinner & and to see Django
2. meet up with another girl to see Anna Karenina
3. go to Gipsy to see Tiefschwarz, et. al.
4. watch Chelsea v Arsenal down at the pub
My weekend turned out quite well, actually

Friday - went on the dinner & Django date referenced above. Nice evening. Dropped the girl off at home and went to Gipsy just in time for Tiefschwarz's set, followed by a guy named Daniel Wilde. Great tunes and great night 8)
Saturday - met up with a couple of mates at the pub, which began a long night of barhopping and massive beer consumption until we closed out a bar at 8 and dispersed. Very entertaining competition for the affections of one girl we met between my best friend and I. We both went home alone :lol:
Sunday - Dragged my butt to the supermarket, watched Chelsea beat Arsenal, had the girl from Friday over for dinner :)