Weekend Plans?


Well-Known Member
Have I missed a thread or has not be done yet on a Friday? Everyone keeping their powder dry for Xmas?

Friday - local beers with a mate

Saturday - helping a hired hand to put together new wardrobes etc for spare room and then watching my footy team on the cold in the afternoon. Into week 8 of injury now:spank:

Saturday night:
http://www.troxy.co.uk/event/guilty-pleasures-bad-santa-cinema-party/ - we're probably not going to make it much past the end of the film because the missus will be tired and if it's busy we'll be scooting before the pushing and shoving starts.

Sunday - a couple of friends are coming over for a tour of refurbished Buckley Towers and Sunday lunch.
I thought you'd be a Hobbit man, Buckley, at the front of the queue with hairy bits glued to your feet and a funny hat!

I'm on a half day today; getting my Xmas tree, erecting it (oo-er!), then going out for Xmas meal with peeps from work and hitting the town.

Saturday - hangover, some Xmas stuff

Sunday - run, some Xmas stuff
Dying for a quiet weekend, but I can't see it. Was a good mate's 30th yesterday so we're out for that tonight. He's saying it'll just be a few beers somewhere local, but I'll be doing well to get home in time for MOTD....on Sunday.

Need to finish Xmas shopping at some point, and put some thought into planning all this time off between Xmas and Jan 3rd. Haven't even got a plan for NYE/NYD yet, apart from Saints vs Arsenal on NYD, which I hope I make it to.
trying to have a quiet one, spent far too much cash last night on xmas pressents...oh and some laurent garnier tickets for the sub club in february, also pre-ordered the asphodells album (the new andrew weatherall project)8)

friend has just moved into a new fklat so house warming/birthday celebrations for that...bought them jenga as a houewarming gift to amuse myself as i watch them play it high as kites!:p
Tonight - Two or more of the following: a friend's mulled wine house party, the opening of Unplugged Bar, the opening of a bar called Microphone, and a party at club Gipsy with Marcel Dettman, Lee Voss, etc. al.

Tomorrow - Get my car inspected, maybe attend a Hannukah party, hopefully get into the Christmas carnival at Galleria Moskva (Robyn headlining), then t.b.d.

Sunday - Watch football. Might try to organize a dinner date, or maybe have some people over.
well ive officially finished work for 2012!!!
not sure tonight , gf is hungover from xmas party so dont really fancy just looking after her but then again dont want to go out on a spazfest.

saturday - probs some xmas shopping then a 30th birthday in wandsworth.

sunday - roast
trying to have a quiet one, spent far too much cash last night on xmas pressents...oh and some laurent garnier tickets for the sub club in february

Nice! Laurent Garner is playing boiler room soon, worth a watch online me reckons.

This weekend - quiet for once. Save some money, energy and serotonin. Working tomorrow day time, have a workout and probably stay in and hopefully see Amir Khan get beaten... How unpatriotic I know.

Saying that, the last 50 weekends have planned to be quiet, and ended up being ridiculously messy.
Tonight - Christmas party with my old team in Leeds. Expect it to be dinner, a couple of drinks, then to pretty much end there.

Saturday - Travel back down to Brighton. Christmas meal with some uni friends.

Sunday - Sleep. Start research for my literature review.
Saying that, the last 50 weekends have planned to be quiet, and ended up being ridiculously messy.

It never works!

Monday - I'm never drinking/dabbling again.
Tuesday - I'm definitely staying in at the weekend.
Wednesday - I really should have a sensible weekend, hmmm.
Thursday - Maybe I'll just see what happens.
Friday - Bollocks to it, I'll just have a weekend off next weekend.

Repeat until old age.
It never works!

Monday - I'm never drinking/dabbling again.
Tuesday - I'm definitely staying in at the weekend.
Wednesday - I really should have a sensible weekend, hmmm.
Thursday - Maybe I'll just see what happens.
Friday - Bollocks to it, I'll just have a weekend off next weekend.

Repeat until old age.

Haha. That's exactly what I tell my mates. Just when you're awake to world by Friday you're ready to hit it hard again.....
Tonight - On taxi duties taking various people to & from their work Xmas dos. I shall sandwich a well earned Indian takeaway curtesy of the old man between journeys after 3 weeks of healthy eating and a belt size lost :)

Tomorrow - Mark Knight & Toolroom Xmas charity fundraiser. This will be my last night "on it" until the new year... so i keep telling myself :twisted: :spank:
Got in at 11pm last night, not too drunk. Actually, despite being tame, it was one of the better nights I've had in a while. The buffet restaurant was quite nice, then went on to a couple of pubs. Nowhere was so loud that you couldn't talk to people, so actually managed to talk and bond with my colleagues rather than just get wrecked. :D That sounds like I'm getting old. :eek: At least I'm fresh enough to get on with Xmas stuff today.
today - mum was over for a few days and leaves late afternoon. tonight - timo maas at sirocco!
sunday - day out, weather should be good!
Haha. That's exactly what I tell my mates. Just when you're awake to world by Friday you're ready to hit it hard again.....

Only way is to lock yourself (or the car keys) away. Give it a few years and it'll become easier !

today - mum was over for a few days and leaves late afternoon. tonight - timo maas at sirocco!

Hope she had a good time. Timo @ Sirocco would be just the thing to make my day ! Will have to make do with cooking dinner and trying to hammer someone down over a fast road bike I have my eyes on through another forum ;) .. I really shouldn't be doing it but the hills in Devon are fiendish and plan is to just leave it there and use it for beach runs and fitness rides when the weather improves. I've given up on the idea of trying to take my tourer backwards and forwards - the incredibly useless British railways have seen to it that it's not a realistic option :rolleyes:.
At the age of 39 I find I am getting much much worse for this rather than better!

I think that's gonna be the case Helen.

This weekend I cracked it - had a QUIET one for once. 1 beer on Thursday, 3 or 4 drinks on Friday, a few Rums at home on Saturday and a couple of pints last night. Total alcohol volume over 4 days was probably equal to my Saturday binge, but feel so much better this way.

Won't last long - with all the Xmas parties on and catch ups with old school mates, work mates, family etc. etc. etc.
a friend of mine was telling me how he was going to be off mdma / booze for a wee while after a bit of a mad session at weatherall & smagghe in aberdeen on friday night...

i soon solved his problem by telling him to get some milk thistle & take some 5-htp to get him back on an even keel...he should be fighting fit for bugged out weekender as he's not coming out with our lot at new year!:)
a friend of mine was telling me how he was going to be off mdma / booze for a wee while after a bit of a mad session at weatherall & smagghe in aberdeen on friday night...

i soon solved his problem by telling him to get some milk thistle & take some 5-htp to get him back on an even keel...he should be fighting fit for bugged out weekender as he's not coming out with our lot at new year!:)

I tried piractam a while back for cognitive function, and after some research found it helps 'friends' on 'their' comedowns. Definitely seems to help the day after if you post load with it. Also, plenty of vit B, C and good whole foods.!