Weekend Plans


Well-Known Member
Early, but I can't resist, just too excitied for this weekend!

Friday: Off The Rails in Sheffield for Alex M.O.R.P.H, Grey Downey, Signum and RAM + support.
Saturday: Probably carrying on from Friday. DJ Yoda in Brighton or a free party in London are both possabilites
Sunday: Die. Attempt coursework. Die further. :lol:
Pretty good weekend on tap here
Thursday - 3 art exhibit openings and a friend's band's concert
Friday - Random bar hopping early evening then Pan Pot @ Krysha Mira
Saturday - Watch football in the afternoon, hopefully work on music, random bar action in the evening with a possible visit to ICON for Wally Lopez
Sunday - Rest, relax, hopefully work on music
Early, but I can't resist, just too excitied for this weekend!

Friday: Off The Rails in Sheffield for Alex M.O.R.P.H, Grey Downey, Signum and RAM + support.

OTR for me too, can't wait. Think pretty much all our lot are out for this too :)

Saturday am, who knows then PASSION!!! JOC, Giuseppe Ottiviani, Kearny and Ferry (not looking forward to him)

Gonna be a right buzz of a weekend as per though.

Will try and have a sensible Sunday though...
Just heard that ex England cricketer Freddie Flintoff has taken up pro boxing & his 1st fight is tonight!

That's tonight's cabaret sorted.
I think Price is fighting tonight to, great boxer hope he lives up to his potential he could be the next Lewis.
I am debating on whether or not a bottle of sailor jerrys is in order to fill this bored evening with an hour or two playing my new vinyl.
Tomorrow going to cocoon in london and driving sogoing sober and driving straight back sober as couldnt get monday off work and cant face work with a big come down.
Sunday will be sleeping/monging take my daughter to a play centre and get depressed thinking about work on monday :D
Well Sven absolutely blew me away last night. Proper thumping techno and a great venue at suffolk st warehouse. Shame about some of the nobs in there but I expected that so didn't ruin my night. Was shattered when I got in at 9am after dropping a mate off in brum on the way back but totally worth being sober I have done 4 out of 5 big nights sober now recently and Im enjoying them much more without alcohol and drugs 8) I havecan still here the thumping beats to Gary Beck before the crash ringing in my bloody ears can't sleep and defo not looking forward to work tomorrow :lol: :(
Out with people from work on Friday. Got very drunk and did some interesting karaoke numbers, including GLC's Your Mother's Got A Penis, in front of mainly mature female colleagues. :spank: Needless to say, I'm lying very low at work today...
I managed a quiet weekend back in twickenham. Did half my xmas shopping in kingston on saturday which is the most organised ive been about xmas since i can remember. usually more of a xmas eve get everything in an hour sort of guy , must be the turning 30 or something thats changed me
Had a great night on Friday at Off The Rails (good to see you Ikoda) . Danced my ass off all night :) Train back to Manc about 6 then 3 after parties getting home at 6pm yesterday. Feeling a little tired today but really should be feeling a LOT worse so quite happy. Defo getting an early night tonight to catch up on all those missed Zzzzzs
Friday - down the pub for a quiet couple, as I was meant to have an early start Saturday. Bumped into a mate from school who's a Marine and had literally just got back from 3 months on the Illustrius. Got drunk, left my car at the pub and took on the 3 mile stumble home.

Saturday - Road trip to Norwich for a mini Ibiza reunion. Got up much later than planned, and didn't set off until midday. Had a good run and got there at 3ish. Went out to watch the rugby in the pub, and wait for a late arrival who was getting the train into town to meet us. Went back to the flat to change and have a few before going out, had a really top night. Some good music being played in some decent bars/clubs, can't remember many specifics though. Drank too much rum. Bed at 6ish, steaming.

Sunday - up early, feeling rubbish. Lazy day drinking coffee and watching TV before 1 returned home on the train, and 2 of us went off to see Norwich vs Sunderland. Decent game but nearly froze to death, I swear it was about minus 5 on Sunday evening. Back to the flat to continue being hung over, ordered takeaway, watched a sh*t film and fell asleep on the sofa.

Today - A disgusting 5 hour drive home to Southampton, the wrong way round the M25 due to an accident. Stopped in Bromley on the way to have a look around as I'll probably be moving there in the new year.

Good weekend all round.
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Saturday night was Lower East showcase for me with Lee Brinx, Cozzy D et al. Stayed til the lights came on. Went back to a mate's and crashed on his sofa. His charming lodger then cooked-up an almighty roast piled high with more trimmings than I care to remember. We started drinking again and watched the Dons' match. Twas a good weekend :D
Well **** weekend for me for a few reasons.

Waas meant to go to OTR with some friends but I still kinda had flu, my mate came down with it really bad and work screwed my wages up to the tune of £300 meaning all partying cancelled for the month :(
Friday & saturday I sat in, drank wine and watched films with the fella. Sunday nice dinner for my dads birthday with the siblings, drank more wine and watched more films...

oh what my life has become since the return from Ibiza :(
Suppose I should actually comment on my weekend.

Met one of the guys I met out in Ibiza in June at King's Cross. We got some booze and jumped on the train, talking about lots of different things. Got to Sheffield for about 7pm, grabbed pizza and a few more cans then headed to another mates who I was staying at. Got ready there, a few more of his mates turned up, then we headed out about 10.50.
Met my best mate who lives in Bradford outside of the club, then headed in. Chaos started from this point onwards. Caught up with alot of the clubbing friends I've made over the years in and around Sheffield.
Hiddenagenda, the residents of OTR, played a good warm up set. Alex M.O.R.P.H. was disapointing. Signum smashed it. Downey smashed it. RAM had a great track selection but couldn't mix for toffee. Kept cocking up frequencies and brought a track in half way through a break down :\ . Sam Mitcham then came on, the Godskitchen resident, and he smashed it.
Couldn't tell you what songs that got played as I don't remember. :lol: I lost my voice about 5am, and was completely unable to speak from that point onwards. I still can't speak now.

Went back to my mates, and had an after party at his.
Me and the friend I travelled up with then travelled back down to London. Half way along the journey, a friend in Brighton text me to say DJ Yoda had been cancelled. At this revelation, I went home, and went to bed :lol:

Got up on Sunday, and begun work on my 5000 word essay due next week.
I managed a quiet weekend back in twickenham. Did half my xmas shopping in kingston on saturday which is the most organised ive been about xmas since i can remember. usually more of a xmas eve get everything in an hour sort of guy , must be the turning 30 or something thats changed me

I'd call it the H-bomb effect in all likelihood ;)

Well Sven absolutely blew me away last night. Proper thumping techno and a great venue at suffolk st warehouse. Shame about some of the nobs in there but I expected that so didn't ruin my night. Was shattered when I got in at 9am after dropping a mate off in brum on the way back but totally worth being sober I have done 4 out of 5 big nights sober now recently and Im enjoying them much more without alcohol and drugs 8) I havecan still here the thumping beats to Gary Beck before the crash ringing in my bloody ears can't sleep and defo not looking forward to work tomorrow :lol: :(

Sounds excellent - the Beck is great fun and that venue's not bad either. Usually a far better atmosphere in the arches than the clubs, to be fair. Look out for it in Skyfall when he drives into the car park after MI6 is blown up. You may recognize the location ! My UK nights are usually straight up sober too although latter part of the Summer I have to admit was an exception. Still on a clubbing ban tho' as I've only managed to put on half a pound even with giving up smoking, no marathon sessions and eating a load more than I was. I think the bike is robbing me of all the calories now so into the 3rd month and trying a crash gain instead. If that doesn't work there is definitely something wrong with me :eek:
Pretty good weekend on tap here
Thursday - 3 art exhibit openings and a friend's band's concert
Friday - Random bar hopping early evening then Pan Pot @ Krysha Mira
Saturday - Watch football in the afternoon, hopefully work on music, random bar action in the evening with a possible visit to ICON for Wally Lopez
Sunday - Rest, relax, hopefully work on music
I did this^
Except I didn't make it out of the 2nd bar I went to on Saturday "en route to Icon" until about 7am. Oops :lol: Although I did make a smashing pan full of beef stroganoff around 8am in another one of my famous drunken cooking sprees. Barely remember consuming it, other than it was damn tasty.
Pan Pot on Friday smashed it as usual, although the crowd at Krysha was uncharacteristically annoying so I bailed around 6:30.
Didn't get anything down with the music though :confused:
Although I did make a smashing pan full of beef stroganoff around 8am in another one of my famous drunken cooking sprees. Barely remember consuming it, other than it was damn tasty.

:lol: ... it's at those times when, if you have a dog or cat, it's best to have the cans of Pedigree Chum and Kit-e-Kat well-hiden ... and certainly not in half-used cans in the fridge :oops:
:lol: ... it's at those times when, if you have a dog or cat, it's best to have the cans of Pedigree Chum and Kit-e-Kat well-hiden ... and certainly not in half-used cans in the fridge :oops:

I'm just happy I've managed never to start a kitchen fire* :lol:

(*when drunk. I did start one while stone cold sober about 10 years ago :oops:)