Weekend Plans


Well-Known Member
Better late than never...watcha up to folks?

Fri - chilling
Sat - Community with Jazzanova and Atjazz in Manchester
Sun - chilling
Mon - Rodrigo y Gabriella live @theAcademy_Manchester
Tonight, Maceo Plex at stealth in Nottingham 8) I have longed for a decent night in Notts like this and am mucho excited :D
Sat, mong out till my daughter comes home from my folks. Quiet night in.
Sun take daughter somewhere to play and be depressed knowing I am back at work after a lovely chilled week off. :(
DJing for the Sussex Bass society tonight at the union. I'm the only one playing Trance in the midst of a dubstep, Drum N Bass and Jungle lineup :lol:
Top weekend! Local pub Friday, saw a few people I haven't seen in ages which was cool. Went to Brighton on Saturday night for a mate's 25th, 14 of us piled into his rugby team's minibus. Was a proper lad's piss up, ended up in Digital which was decent from what I can remember. Southampton vs Newcastle today, we sat and drank at the German market in town, went to the game, then a few more in the pub afterwards to celebrate. I won £220 on an accumulator to top it all off. Best weekend in a long while.
Hmm... my weekend.

Friday - went to a mini-festival to see, among others, Bloc Party, Astronautalis, and my friends Blast. Astronautilis totally stole the show. Bloc Party were a little disappointing although not sure what more I expected from them. Hit a couple of bars with friends after that and drank myself silly until morning. Highlight of the night: meeting Youth (formerly of Killing Joke, and revered for producing The Verve's Urban Hymns. Also produced Blast's upcoming album)

Saturday - Drifted in and out of consciousness for much of the afternoon. Watched some football. Went with my mate to 4 different bars and drank myself silly until morning.

Sunday - Accomplished next to nothing, aside from watching more football and a couple of movies (Hunger Games, The Campaign)