Weekend Plans


Well-Known Member
Friday - fly to Barcelona in the evening.

Saturday - might be meeting some friends for lunch, if not touristy stuff all day. Probably book a table at Pla for dinner, after never making there despite multiple recommendations on here.

Sunday - more being a tourist followed by Barcelona vs Valencia at the Nou Camp! So excited about this! Been to Nou Camp but never been to a game. I know their title hopes are stuffed but should still be amazing!

Monday - more touristy stuff and fly home in the evening.

Early weekend post due to excitement levels being high!:D
Jeez... I haven't even fully recovered my memory from last weekend and you're already looking forward to next? :lol:
slightly jealous....

my next 2 weekends consist of decorating the parents new bungalow for them - deep joy!!
Jeez... I haven't even fully recovered my memory from last weekend and you're already looking forward to next? :lol:

I had a very nice quiet weekend with the missus, so a more eventful one is an exiting prospect Morbs.

Obviously I'd be a little more reticent if I'd spent the three days blitzed.:lol:
How have they readjusted to life back in Ol' Blighty?

Mother - happy as a pig in the proverbial

Father - totally depressed - hates every single living moment of it...

we knew he would - but try telling them that... He cant understand why the bars are empty, why everyone is depressed, why no one wants to have massive social lives

err that's because no one has any money Dad, we are in the middle of the biggest recession since 80's, all your mates you left behind are either dead or working again and no one wants to spend all their days in bars / BBQ's or playing golf....

bless him - he cant get his head round the fact he's basically been on an 18 year holiday and this unfortunately, is the reality of life back in the UK

we did try to tell them this before they packed up to come back but...... :spank:
Hopefully, he'll re-adjust eventually, PL. How come they moved back?

Next weekend should be a quieter one. Day trip down to Birmingham to see the parents and grand parents, but that's about it.
Hopefully, he'll re-adjust eventually, PL. How come they moved back?

Next weekend should be a quieter one. Day trip down to Birmingham to see the parents and grand parents, but that's about it.

God I hope so! its like having a toddler!

Dad has had a lot of bad health over the last few years , heart valve transplant, brain anyurism (sp?) and cancer. Mam has struggled to cope to be fair on her, and felt she needed the support of her near family and to be at home should anything (god forbid) happened to Dad - she has rheumatoid Arthritis so struggles herself these days - although the weather was better for her out there pain wise and mobility wise she decided she wanted to be back here and Dad had no choice lol....

Cyprus is a great place to live for pensioners but not so good to be left alone if something happened to your husband. Its not like the close knit community that rally round back here in the UK - no one really cares about people's problems - they're all out there for the good life and dont like problems :confused: specially other peoples lol

They've been renting a flat since April waiting for a bungalow to become vacant - now they have that and Dad has something to do like decorating, ordering carpets etc etc I am hoping that this will give him the desire to get up and go again....

Prob with my Dad is that he is and always will be a social animal - he has to be out and about with people - which was his life every day in Cyprus - now back here there's no one around that has the spare time to do activities and be out every day...

Mother would quite happily sit in the house all day and every day -

I know who I take after :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Got to be hard on your Dad to give all that up but to be honest, if there's the support here at home it sounds like it's very much the best thing for your Mum.

She's lucky there's a close-knit community at home over here !
Amended version...

Drive up to Fujairah (90 minutes) in 30mph winds creating sandstorm conditions and get on an old wooden boat in rough seas that will make half the passengers vomit over the side, before stopping in a bay filled with orange algae. Lunch of deep fried chicken & fish with rice followed by two hours of watching a fat man dive for pearls (unsuccessfully) then take the vomit cruise back to port before driving back in the dark with added sand fog. Sit on the sofa rocking from side to side feeling nauseus for the rest of the evening.

Wild Wadi Water Park. (basically the film "Grown Ups") :D


A day full of win.

Arrive at the office 8am to find it locked and nobody there apart from the cleaner complaining he is being delayed in broken English and Hindi. Much shrugging of shoulders until a bleary eyed secretary arrives, opens up then takes a quadruple espresso to her desk with a 2L bottle of water. :lol:
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Relatively quiet one for me after ending up on a mad one in East London last Friday which resulted in me waking up in Bedford at 6am with no recollection of how I had got there or why I was there! Queue a cold sad lonely train ride back to the more delightful Luton! Then on the Saturday ended up at a house party and out in Nottingham with the gf. So much for a quiet one!

Off to Nottingham tonight and due to return late Sunday night. I plan to eat and sleep a ridiculous amount! Think we may be seeing the new film with Daniel Radcliffe in - something something in black (haven't a clue of the name nor about the film - just been told it isn't Harry Potter like, thank the Lord!) Other than that we shall see! Need to start looking after the pennies!
Have caved in shamelessly to temptation and hitting Fabreeeeec tonight. After going all the way in to London & back again yesterday for a little basement soiree with Nick Craddock at ? I thought I'd be done, and staying in for a quiet rest-of-the-weekend.

Combo of sleeping in till 5pm this afternoon, Marcel Dettmann on 2am-4.30 before Ben Sims till 8am close with a bag full of fresh test pressings has proved too hard to resist - I really did try till the very last minute !!!!!

Maya Jane Coles playing 2-5am in Room 1 so it's sold out and is going to be a total roadblock :confused:. Thank heaven for FabricFirst .. great idea that... but I bet there'll be queueing round the block even then !
reports are that he is awful in that film , just to warn you

Your reports proved accurate. The film had me laughing at its ridiculousness with the girlfriend next to me screaming like a banshee at the 'horror'! I find sitting on the tube staring at people scarier!