Weekend Plans

*..............tumble weed.................* :lol:

wow how quiet is it on here now the season is over :(

Its like everyone goes into hybernation lol

Weekend plans for ones self, again, not a bl**dy lot...

Tonight - Gym

Saturday - Meeting up with the GF to have a nice walkabout the historic town of Rochester before all the tramps and trolls of a night time come out to ruin the beauty of the place :evil: then we have decided on going for a meal and my personal favourite Indian Restaurant as my pregnant gf reckons her stomach will be ok with that :D then await the famous, once a week, phone call from tha BF :D

Sunday - Gym and not alot else
Got Monday off too, but not much. Well, not much I can say on here anyway. :lol:

Got my weights, so might have a shot of them on Sunday/Monday, see if I can turn this mouse into a man. :lol: Also wouldn't mind a walk/foraging, but that's weather dependent - and chances are it will be grim.
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Mrs is out with her mates tonight, kids are at grandmas and I am skint so a nice lonely night in with nowt to do :(
Tomorrow shopping, and sunday bugger all got no spare money to enjoy life at the minute.
I have no concrete plans other than to attend my friends' advertising agency's 10th anniversary party tonight in some new bar, and to watch football tomorrow evening.

Big party at Arma17 headlined by Raresh tomorrow. One possible destination.

In any case, I'm sure there will be drinking along the way...
Walk of shame this evening back to the club in london bridge that i left my hoody in last week (phoned em and they got it )

then a mate has had the week from hell and is insisting on a beer based rendesvous tonight although i had planned to stay in and go to Circuit Training tomorrow morning :spank:
Considering a punky alternative dubsteppy type do in Vauxall on Sat - Antagony.

...then onto a techno after hours at a seedy tranny club in Limehouse. :lol:
Weekend Reports?

Friday - Ended up having a few friends over. It was an enjoyable night.

Saturday - Cleaned the flat and went shopping, then drove in to town and met up with a friend and her mates for her birthday.

Sunday - Ex girlfriend told me she didn't want to be with me ever again, so felt pretty lousy all day. Flatmate took me bowling and for a few drinks to try and cheer me up.
Aw... sorry to hear that, Ben. She's obviously not good enough for you ;)

As for my weekend:

Friday - As planned, attended a friend's company's 10th anniversary party at a new bar called Giraffe, then went to the club Gypsy for a while.

Saturday - Went down to the pub to watch football, then did some shopping, then home to watch more football, made samosas for the first time ever, then went for a few beers. Early night around 3ish.

Sunday - Went appliance shopping in the afternoon, then met up with a large bunch of friends for Mexican and margaritas.
Women, can't live with 'em or without 'em.

Hope things pick up for you, Ben. I hated the whole dating merry go round and associated heartache. A good time to chuck yourself into your job / dj'ing....
Thanks both. At a stage now where I just can't be bothered anymore with her.
Was going to do an epic song and dance to try and win her back, but she's not been honest or treated me with respect. Think it's time to call it quits and move on.

Roll on next weekend, and Godskitchen. Need to do another mix and take it on CD. :)
hope you are ok mate. onwards and upwards and all that jazz........

my weekend went pretty much as expected - quiet one.

Friday - dinner at home

Saturday - shopping and gym in the morning. Liverpool v Man U match on tv - won a decent bet too - then Chelsea v Everton in the pub, few beers and then home for a great dinner. Watched the boxing on tv and then early night.

Sunday - went to see my mates new born..
Friday was our daughters 5th birthday so we had a pirate theme party at home for 10 kids.went well and everyone was gone by 6pm:D Saturday my partners workmate is moving back to moscow after living here for 8yrs so we had her out for dinner.She made some nice russian salads and we cooked monkfish with coconut rice and lots of wine..sunday spent day licking my wounds..
Considering a punky alternative dubsteppy type do in Vauxall on Sat - Antagony.

...then onto a techno after hours at a seedy tranny club in Limehouse. :lol:

Well, was Vauxhall Agony ?

... and how was the techno (sure the trannies had a good time !)