Weekend Adventures


Well-Known Member
Not been one of these for a while seeing as Jan is bit of a dead month
So what is everyone embarking on this weekend??

Im off to Val Thorens in the French Alps this evening where the weather forecast is for a barmy -20degrees! Reports have described it as "painfully brutal" although the snow is fantastic. Back on Tuesday hopefully with no injuries
good luck!

I will also be enjoying -20 C weather, but without the added fun of skiing :confused:

Tonight - Birthday party, followed by goodbye drinks for a friend moving to London, followed by another drinking session with some friends. TBD later on but I kind of want to go to Solyanka to see Luomo (aka Vladislav Delay, Sistol, Uusitalo, Conoco) live.

Tomorrow - Not sure. Might involve booze

Sunday - Birthday party (might have to miss Chelsea v Man U :cry: DVR time!) then make snacks, sleep a couple of hours, and get up to watch the Superbowl
Tonight - frantically checking my phone for a message that tomorrow's footy game is off due to frozen pitch. If so, pub.

Tomorrow - either footy or watching footy.

Sat night - frantically checking my phone for a message that tomorrow's footy game is off due to frozen pitch. If so, Stu's Hirst;s last ever gig. If not I'll catch him back to back with Rampling next year:lol: and I'll take the missus and her sister out to dinner instead.

Sunday- Unless called off Sat night, schlepping over to Sutton for a semi-final, which might still get called off when we get there:spank:
Off to Saint Martin in a few hours for the weekend. Can't wait, basically everything you can't do in the BVI (having a dabble in the Casino, going to a proper nightclub etc.) you can do there.

Well, in a post the other day I said I hadn't been out snowboarding this yer, s o I decided to go just for the day on Sunday. Was supposed to be going out to a party on Saturday night, but now am debating it since I have to get up really early on Sunday.

Should be nice... above zero! :)
Off to Nottigham this afternoon (Train leaves in 30 in fact!) seeing The Black Keys tonight courtesy of the girlfriend :D staying up there untill Sunday AM, train to London to then watch my beloved Chelsea no doubt get beat by Man Utd. Finally returning home to get positioned and food ready for the Superbowl!
Off to Nottigham this afternoon (Train leaves in 30 in fact!) seeing The Black Keys tonight courtesy of the girlfriend :D staying up there untill Sunday AM, train to London to then watch my beloved Chelsea no doubt get beat by Man Utd. Finally returning home to get positioned and food ready for the Superbowl!


I've just turned down a freebie to Chelsea Man U in case my semi-final goes to ET and pens. It's bound to be off now!
I went out in spectacular fashion on Sat night... 8)

5 bottles of champagne consumed before hitting the club between me and 2 others - lots of party fun indulged in

Digweed at Shindig was immense - far too full, Digweed's set was short due to travel issues cos of the weather, Scott Bradford played an awesome warm up set, quickly followed by Carlo Lio then Mr Digweed

Had to leave the club at 3 due to no space to do anything - back to ours for carry on and surprisingly felt not too bad Sunday and Monday....8)
Puppylover back on form then ? :lol:
Here here!

I had a messy one on Friday (two parties and serious bar session) and a long night on Sunday (party, recorded football match and Superbowl) but actually stayed in on Saturday night :eek:
Puppylover back on form then ? :lol:

lol it was planned with military precision - nothing could go wrong - it had to be a great night otherwise i was hanging up those dancing shoes for ever...

So pleased it was brilliant - I even felt fantastic yesterday and no Suicide Tuesday today - Bonus!!
lol it was planned with military precision - nothing could go wrong - it had to be a great night otherwise i was hanging up those dancing shoes for ever...

So pleased it was brilliant - I even felt fantastic yesterday and no Suicide Tuesday today - Bonus!!

Pleasing to see we are still showing the young 'uns how it's done, pups:lol:

(Using the term 'we' loosely as I haven't had a beer yet in 2012, or ventured further than the gym!)