Web design/domain name buying - help please!


Active Member
Hello - just looking for some advice from the friendly Spotlight community :)

I'm looking to set up a website - I have been awarded a grant to pay for this so I'm in the process of trying to find a web designer. I have checked and the domain name I want is available, here's the questions...

1. Should I buy it ASAP before getting a web designer involved? If so, what is the cheapest/best route to do it? Is buying straight from 123 a good enough idea?

2. Any hints/tips on keeping the costs down for the development as I am on a budget, but do want a good looking site. I'm aware that the cost could be limitless but the budget is £500 max.

Thanks in advance :)
Buy the domain asap before someone else gets it. It's then just a case of getting the domain name to point to your web hosts name servers (should you buy your hosting from a different website).

My old domain, I-Forums.Info has been running off of 123-reg for nearly 6 years without any hiccups. Just make sure you renew before the lease expires - they do bump prices up when they know someone wants a domain name!

As for keeping costs down - what kind of website do you want to run?
That's really helpful, thanks :D

It's an information website for my yoga business. Probably just a few pages initially with class info, some pictures, yoga information, contact details etc. I will set up an FB page/Twitter too so some links to that.
Website should be easy as heck to put together. Graphics will be where alot of money goes, but even then you can usually find fairly cheap graphics artists.