Weather Effect On Work


Well-Known Member
Anyone else work in an environment where this weather is causing serious problems? If have to explain to one clueless middle manager that water freezes at 0 degrees I may kill someone:spank:
Yup, typically have 350-400 operatives on construction sites at this time of year.

About 150 out today, which has been the case for the past month, purely down to weather conditions.

This is an expensive layer of snow :(
Oops! One of my lads has gone arse over to the tit on a door covered with snow and banged his head.

More industrial injury news to follow.......
Anyone else work in an environment where this weather is causing serious problems? If have to explain to one clueless middle manager that water freezes at 0 degrees I may kill someone:spank:

You've only got one to deal with?!?!?!?!?! Lucky, lucky b*£"*&d!!! :lol::lol::lol:
Friend had -20 early this am on drive to work near east coast (Yorkshire).

It was a rip roaring -10 here in Leeds when defrosting my car this am.

It's bonkers, absolutely bonkers this weather!!!!

Average for Dec is +2.3oC.
It was a rip roaring -10 here in Leeds when defrosting my car this am.

It's bonkers, absolutely bonkers this weather!!!!

Average for Dec is +2.3oC.
We're having a heat wave.
Right at 0 C at the moment!
Only had 2 inches of snow to clean off the car this morning :lol: