We Love House Tribute To Christain Padararu

Mc Lane

New Member
We Love House Tribute To Christian Padararu

Electro - Progressive

Playlist :

1 - Cristian Paduraru - He Knows His Creation
2 - Cristian Paduraru - Metanoia
3 - Cristian Paduraru - Pozitive Education
4 - Cristian Paduraru - Reaction Expected
5 - Cristian Paduraru - Shall We Dance
6 - Cristian Paduraru - Spring Refresh
7 - Cristian Paduraru - Unconditional Giving
8 - Cristian Paduraru - Walk In The Light
9 - Cristian Paduraru - Walk In The Truth
10 - Cristian Paduraru - Right Side Up

podcast : We Love House

dl :http://mclanedj.free.fr/welovehousetributetochristianpadararu.mp3 Direct Download (Right Click and Save As)
Not sure who this Cristian Paduraru is, but he's made some pretty decent tracks!
Like the mix as always Mr Mc Lane
Cristian Paduraru really does make some cracking tracks!

He seems like a really nice guy. I think he is like, second to Tom on myspace in the amount of friends he has. the Tom of house music if you like.