Way to make yourself cringe..


Active Member
Reading back some old posts :oops:

Particularly like the ones where I slated my work mates for sending emails about rotten yogurts and fruit :lol:
yes, one wonders what turns a nice young lad talking about teapots into a bra burning radical.
yes, one wonders what turns a nice young lad talking about teapots into a bra burning radical.

it was teasmaids El Ste - get with the programme and can I also remind you he used to chat about chucking babies off the balcony so not too far a step into a bra burning radical LOL
sorry, my memory for detail isn't what it was. five years ago, i'd have remembered important stuff like that.
Reading back some old posts :oops:

Particularly like the ones where I slated my work mates for sending emails about rotten yogurts and fruit :lol:

y'see the joy of having such a bad memory is you dont really care about things you may or may not have said/written ..... you dont remember any of it therefore it bothers me not a jot....:lol::lol:
Worst thing someone bothered about their old posterings is to start a a thread asking the mods to delete their forum account!!!!!
y'see the joy of having such a bad memory is you dont really care about things you may or may not have said/written ..... you dont remember any of it therefore it bothers me not a jot....:lol::lol:

Very true, I only cringed a little bit anyway, more made me laugh :D