WARNING - if you get a puncture watch your luggage!


Active Member
Having been visiting Ibiza since 1970, I had my first bad experience there last October, although it did not spoil our holiday or enthusiasm for returning. However, please be aware should this happen to you:

On arrival at Ibiza on 30 September, we hired a car as usual from the airport. After about 1 Km we became aware of a flat tyre, and found somewhere safe and (we thought) quiet to change the wheel (not to mention a bit of shade). We then returned to the hire office. During this time a bag disappeared - it contained our passports, driving licences, cash, traveller's cheques and numerous other items of monetary or other value (in the latter category, a copy of one of the last printed Spotlights! surely irreplaceable?).

We're not sure how the bag disappeared - we know it went into the boot when we loaded the car at the hire office (I took some items out of it) and it wasn't there when we got back (we searched and searched). We never left the car unattended, and I transferred all the luggage to the back seat and kept the doors and windows shut whilst changing the wheel.

The person that handled our report at the Guardia Civil told us he dealt with an identical incident 4 days earlier. Some local friends had also experienced something similar (in Barcelona) - their tyre had been punctured with a knife, and the manager of our hotel had a tyre punctured and some items stolen.
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