Wanted: a musician and a photographer in Ibiza


Hey people.

So, I've got a big romantic event planned for the current Miss M when we're on the island next week and I need to find a musician (probably sax or guitar best) and a photographer to hire for about a half-hour's work early evening Oct 1.

Any ideas? Contacts? You can PM if you want.

(and before you recommend them, Spotlight's Chappy is busy and I haven't heard back from Lovely Laura the saxophonist although I think a gig like this is way below her league!)
Thanks guys!

No luck on either front, unfortunately.. 3 photographer referrals all unavailable. But I have a backup plan with the music (meaningful sunset music mix, ipod nano and small portable speaker) and a camera with delay so fingers crossed!
I'm not sure if this will materialise into any help, but I've asked the Hed Kandi promo manager if she has any sax contacts still on the island on assumption they will probably have used 1 or several over the course of the season. I'll let you know if I hear anything back