Want to live in Ibiza


New Member
Are there any I.T based jobs in Ibiza. I'm a web application developer/website designer/all-round IT enthusiast able to work in any area of IT/Bulk SMS system designer.

I'm not very good at sales so PR work doesn't seem to fit for me plus I wouldn't like to be working all week just to pay for my nights out without any spare money.

Does Ibiza offer any jobs for this type of work? I can put my IT skills to use in many ways for PR/Advertising (except artwork. My art skills are lacking).
I should also probably add that I'm a whiz with numbers and any calculation of maths, I really enjoy cooking and can cook many types of different foods and I have basic mechanical experience.

I hope there is a fitting jobs that my skills could cover.

I don't know Spanish but if I were told I could get a certain job if I learned Spanish then I could self teach myself in a reasonable time frame.
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