Volcano! please no disruption


Active Member
How annoying is this! Just before the ibiza opening parties, fingers crossed it won't affect the flights
Fingers, toes and anythng else crossed!

Im due to fly out on friday so please please please no disruptions!!
Not looking half as active as the 1 which erupted last year, so you're looking good to make the fiestas! :D
Purley for ££££ Reasons i want the Ashcloud to come back. Hoping it dont affect any guys due to fly though. Although advanced warning some flights (Scotland Way) have already been canceled for tommorow.
yeah starting to get a bad feeling about this, due to fly out to california on thursday


*Fingers Crossed* to all you peeps looking at flying this week...

If you in Scotland it doesnt look good but hopefully the brain boxes are right and it shouldnt be AS bad as before 8)
:cry: its not looking good for us scottish lot flying out on Sunday for the Space party, there is talk of us coaching it down to London and catching another flight.. fingers crossed!!

this happened to me last May but thankfully the Thomas Cook plane set off and got us there against all odds.. im hoping for a miracle again
I fly from Newcastle on Friday, they have started cancelling flights to certain destinations

Typical f*****g volcano, waiting for the opening parties before it erupts. Fingers and toes crossed for you all!
Good luck to those travelling..

God if it isn't firing volcanoes in Iceland, it's spanish workers on strike, or BA cabin workers.. there's always something :lol:
Manchester Airport has closed this morning due to the dust cloud.

A Man City spokesman apologised, saying

"We had to open the trophy cabinet eventually..."

(Here all week)