Visiting on a weekend in mid to late May


New Member
Used to live in the UK now living in Chicago. Planning a trip over a long weekend in middle to late May. Is this technically still sonsidered the Winter season. Is there a good vibe and decent crowds ? Not looking for it to be crazy ...just listen to some great tunes and people watch - dont want to go if its going to be dead however. This year can only make it in that time frame. Could go in June but not till 05. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance !
look the month of may is not the good i have said it once i say it again dont go ibiza in may there are no burds and there is no club open go on month of late june
wayne18uk said:
look the month of may is not the good i have said it once i say it again dont go ibiza in may there are no burds and there is no club open go on month of late june

:lol: i really don't think people go there for the 'burds'!!!
depends on what you want. The "party" season does not kick off till early-mid june. Pacha, maybe El Divino will be open weekends but that's about it. If you want to sample the beautiful beaches, restaurants, countryside etc etc etc etc etc etc etc of ibiza you will fine, and will love it.

If you want to party, hang on till June next year.

my 2cents
maybe be i can help

both el davino and pacha will be open at the weekends at least through out may. most of the action will be in ibiza town.
it will at least be hot.
some of the bigger clubs my start having opening parties towards the end of may.

but i will not be mayor busy like july,aug,sept, but i recon you can still have a good time..