Villa Recommendations near San Antonio?


Active Member
Can anyone recommend a villa in or near San Antonio :?:
There will be 5 couples so 5 double rooms would be required,
Also we all want to stay for 2 weeks at the start of July.
If the villa had a pool that would be a bonus :!:

Also if anyone knows of villas that should be avoided or any horror stories :twisted: please let me know.

My only villa horror story is having to wait for people to get back from Cafe Mambo to the villa in Santa Ines (Sant Agnes in Ibicenco?) before we could go see Rampling and co at Pacha. They had the cars and we couldn't call a cab because the villa didn't have a) a phone or b) a street address. We could have walked if we knew the way and weren't worried about being run over.

They finally arrived at around 3am, after our tickets had expired. Then, to add insult to injury, kicked me out of bed and had me sleep on a too-small couch.

A cautionary tale.

That said, the villa was quite nice otherwise. Pool and all.