VeryVeryWrongIndeed - Every Monday!


Well-Known Member
VeryVeryWrongIndeed is Underground, San Rafael every Monday night. No door charge but invite only. Invites can only be obtained from 2 places:

1) From Tim Sheridan in the last hours of DC10 on Monday

2) From me, Buckley, at Itaca, next door to Bar M, between 11pm and 12.30am on Monday nights. Might be upstairs or downstairs - come find me.
long time spotlighter but post rarely.... will be in dc10 on the 24th july and will up for partying..only been underground once in 2003 looking forward to going back :)
Tim Sheridan on why Very Very Wrong Indeed is at Underground and not at Space:

God bless the good ship Underground. It puts VVVWI in great company like Mr C and Craig Richards and Paul Daley. They are VERY particular who plays so it´s very nice in that respect. On the downside, no money.

What happened with Space. It´s a long story... 5 months in fact. Darren Hughes wanted me to take over the Thursdays that Steve Lawler and Sasha were doing last year, but Space gave it away to Monza without consulting him. Then we (myself and We Love) were to do Wednesdays.. but they gave that to La Troya...finally we were all set to do Mondays and by this point I´d spent 3000 euros on it.... and the big boss Pepe pulled the plug. 2 weeks into the season!! I explained this could ruin me..."not my problem" was his generous (and untruthful) answer. His reason?... he didn´t like the name!!
Of course We Love were supposed to back me up with Sunday gigs ikf it all went wrong... nothing as yet... there´s more of a story there... but for another day I think.

So thanks to you who thought I was being smart opening late, it wasn´t! it´s been a real fiasco. But came out well in the end.
sounds great - always wanted to go to VVVVVWI @ Turnmills on sundays so i'm looking 4ward to this. Where exactly is Underground?
DarrenMarc said:
sounds great - always wanted to go to VVVVVWI @ Turnmills on sundays so i'm looking 4ward to this. Where exactly is Underground?
As the name suggests it's located in a bunker, accessible only by a sea cave on the south east coast of the mystical island Es Vedra.

You can take a four person water taxi from San An for 20€!

Click here to order one:
Bugger! Due to some internal wranglings at Underground there is no VVVWI tonight, as of about ten minutes ago. Apologies. Text or call me on 0034 680 763 959 for where to find us and for guestlist for Tim´s Kissdafunk gig tonight. Apologies all round but out of our hands. Hopefully back to normal next week...
can't anyone tell me when they plan on running this until??? cocoon shuts the week before i arrive and i want something evil to go to following DC10. arrive 24th september.

suppose. dc10 and underground are definately on my radar this september.

if i dont make dc10 im going to cut a digit off.
fatphilb said:

suppose. dc10 and underground are definately on my radar this september.

if i dont make dc10 im going to cut a digit off.

Just seen we're out there the same time. See ya there.

Underground has for as long as i can remember always been difficult to go to, mainly because you always need an "invite".

There's no excuse for not having been to dc10 though :D ;)
****it i'll be at both ;) i will be in a seriously bad nick come tuesday morning (with any luck) (in a non-ghey sense)

plan is to try and blag my way into every night this year 8)
Buckley said:
VeryVeryWrongIndeed is Underground, San Rafael every Monday night. No door charge but invite only. Invites can only be obtained from 2 places:

1) From Tim Sheridan in the last hours of DC10 on Monday

2) From me, Buckley, at Itaca, next door to Bar M, between 11pm and 12.30am on Monday nights. Might be upstairs or downstairs - come find me.

i would like an inivte please :)

pretty, pretty please :)
Mr C (on on why he's not at Underground anymore. The same is true for VVVWI:

"ok...... here it is straight from the horses mouth.

Lewis Pennington is the promoter & DJ booker of Underground.
4 years ago he was asked to join the team booking DJs & promoting the nights in an underground fashion with no flyers or posters or any other type of advertising whatsoever other than word of mouth & sms messages. He pulled this off because he's an amazing bloke that really believes in this **** & is completely hooked up & respected by ALL in Ibiza.

Lewis was promised some shares in the club from from the 50% shareholder (the english guy, not the other 2 spanish guys who gave the english guy 50% to turn it around 4 yeras ago, so the english guy was meant to give Lewis half of his 50%) if Lewis turned it around which he did in his 1st year making Thursdays there a fantastic night which i played at in that year 3 times.
Lewis then went on to bring in Superfreq on a weekly basis which became the biggest night in the club & he continued bringing in all of the talent for Thursdays & then Saturdays turning Underground into 1 of the best venues on the island.

4 years down the road Lewis still hasn't been given his shares which is deplorable & has caused huge arguments that even turned into fisty cuffs last season.

Now Lewis has left until they give him his due shares & any DJ worth his name & reputation should stand by Lewis as this is the guy that booked them all in the 1st place & made it happen.

To be fair to Bill Patrick, he probably dont know what's happening as Lewis still hasn't made it common knowledge on the island which he will be doing over the coming days. As far as Billy 'probably' knows, the reason he was playing last night is because my Mother has only days left to live & i'm thereofre spending as much remaining time with my mum as possibe.

It's true i wouldn't have been there last night or next week because of this but, I would have personally picked the replacement DJ myself with Lewis & it would still be Superfreq at Underground as usual.

As it now stands.... unless Lewis is given his shares in the next few days, Superfreq will be seeking another small venue where we can continue to do free party's for the lovely people of Ibiza.

I feel so sorry for the 2 spanish owners who are real sweet hearts who can do nothing about the english guy not giving up part of his shares. I really like the said English guy too so this makes it all very difficult for me emotionally but i will be completely standing behind my good friend lewis throught this whole saga.

There it is, I will keep you all posted with all further developments!

Love 'n' hugs,
Gutted, Can we still expect to find VVVWI at another location in Ibiza? Would love to come to this party as haven't managed to get down to Turnmills as yet, will be out 31st Aug - 5th Sept if there is a do on then and me and the missus could gain invites?
gutted about this. dont really post on here much either but im never off the site looking for news.

been to ibiza the last 4 years and never made it to underground due to ppl with us not being up for it.

me and my girlfriend were really looking forward to this and dc10.

buckley - can you keep us up to date on developments here please as would really like to see mr c no matter where he plays.
