Utterly confused on times/nights for clubs- please help!


New Member
I'm very confused. If a party is advertised for Wednesday, does that mean it starts around 11pm Wednesday (theoretically, even though nobody gets there til Thursday around 1 or 2am) night and goes into Thursday morning til 6am? I'm assuming that's what it is...

I've spent hours online and can't seem to figure it out. The clubs say they start at midnight. So does that mean midnight the day before (which would mean it starts Tuesday at midnight, going into Wednesday at hour 0:00?)

Somebody please help and clarify how this works :) I want to make sure I book tickets for the night I'll actually be there.

Thank you!
...If a party is advertised for Wednesday, does that mean it starts around 11pm Wednesday (theoretically, even though nobody gets there til Thursday around 1 or 2am) night and goes into Thursday morning til 6am? I'm assuming that's what it is...

That's the right version, mate !!!!

Some clubs declare party starting at 23:59 just to be in time....
If it says Wednesday, it means Wednesday even if it's at midnight or 1am. (ie early hours of Thursday morning). So your assumption is right.

Have fun!!