I'm going to Ibiza (total Ibiza virgin!!!) this August. Already booked my hotel, but have held off on the flight reservations. Right now lowest price I have found is for $913 (about 772 Euros). Was wondering if anyone knew if prices might go down or if August is extremely expensive to fly during as well.
I checked prices if I was traveling in about a month from now and found flights for around $750. Think I might get this low of price if I hold out a little for August too?
Thanks a bunch, this forum has been great and helped out a lot with my trip planning!! Think I might actually be ready for Ibiza now!! 8)
I checked prices if I was traveling in about a month from now and found flights for around $750. Think I might get this low of price if I hold out a little for August too?
Thanks a bunch, this forum has been great and helped out a lot with my trip planning!! Think I might actually be ready for Ibiza now!! 8)