urgent urgent !! might be stranded


Active Member
We.'re in San an at the minute.but we.'ll need a taxi early morning 6am ish .as the person who was taking us to the airport can no longer do it.a problem with their car means they can't take us to the airport now.the apartments we.'re in aren't manned at the minute.caretaker doesn't live on site didn't know that when we booked.stayed here in the past.but arriving a few days ago.we had to call him at home to come and book us in.outside door left on the latch all night.very strange.don't think we.'ll book here again.No security .no_one around in case of problems.no where to leave the key in the morning ??? ,it's the Tramuntana in case anyone's wondering.
So just gone on a couple of transfer sites to be told we needed to book 48 hours in advance.So now we need to get a taxi.but we don't speak Spanish.So are there any firms out there that would speak English on the phone.we.'ve walked down to the rank in an evening .but sometimes there's no taxis there.So probably it will be empty at 6am in the morning.desperately needing help !!!!!!!!!!
Radio Taxi Ibiza - 971 398 340
Radio Taxi San José - 971 800 080 (also Airport)
Radio Taxi San Antonio - 971 34 37 64
Radio Taxi Santa Eulalia - 971 33 33 33
Radio Taxi Formentera - 971 322 342

Im sure they speak good English, it would be crazy not to.
Was looking online to see if we could get a hotel reasonably close to the airport.and get the bus to the airport.but buses from Ibiza town don't start till after we need to be at the airport .next time we come at this time of year.we.'ll just book transfers both ways .
Just been downstairs to see where we could leave the keys in the morning.still no sign of the caretaker .the post that was brought yesterday morning is still on the side unopened.!!!!!!!!!! So no idea what we.'re meant to do with the keys.think I.'ll have to leave them in the room .
leave key in door.next time try and book a later flight if possible.or in the time you are there get someone to book a taxi for you,ie who speaks spanish.i bet there would be a taxi in the main rank the time you need to go.
Next time hire a car from Avis at the airport - £70 for the week out of Season and you can return it to the car park opposite the terminal and drop the keys in the box outside the office any time of day or night no stress. There's hardly anyone on the roads and it's the same cost as a return taxi to San An, near as.

There comes a time when trying to get by without renting a car just doesn't make sense. Hope you get home OK !
Ive had a couple close calls relying on getting a taxi from the street in september let alone now. Also phoning the taxi numbers has sometimes proved un fruitfull. Car hire ftw!
Door on the latch you say!??!!? What's the address!??! I could do with a few months in Ibiza over the winter.... :D
Hi thanks everyone. just letting you know we were able to get a taxi,at the rank in the morning,but there were only a couple of them,so we wont be relying just on friends next tiume, we,ll book transfers ,if its not possible to get buses x