Unknown Festival, Croatia


got apartment booked today for this one (after ages trying online), flights prices were ok as well...although from scotland bit more hassle travelwise, but heh, keeps the riff raff away:lol::lol: looking forward to september. 6 of us going8)

Bring your own bottle.

yeah so i hear, but im too old for that risk these days.
if its there. i will pay over the odds, if not, i will just red bull it up (ive been cutting down on my nights on the chemicals anyway, so wont be too difficult)

i could be tempted to start drinking booze again.

i was thinking of taking loads of bottles of poppers just for the hell of it.
they cant stop me at customs for being a sexual deviant can they???? :)
There are 6 of us going to this from Ireland now and cant wait.. We are thinking of flying to Venice and then rent a car and a 4 hour drive to Rovinj as there are no direct flights to any of the airports near Rovinj...

What kinda travel plans do you have?? We are flying over Monday the 9th to the following Monday the 16th..
if not, i will just red bull it up (ive been cutting down on my nights on the chemicals anyway, so wont be too difficult)

PMSL. Red Bull in large quantities probably qualifies as a chemical experience !
at parklife in mancester at the weekend, they were really promoting this festival, think shouldn't be a problem them getting the numbers for it to work commercially, even in the first year.

travel routes..i'd suggest looking at trieste in italy, there is a regular scheduled bus service from trieste into croatia stopping off at various places, rovinji being one of them.

oo7tk, give me a shout when your there...i should be pretty easy to identify amongst the crowd, just look amongst the older scottish folk who probably shouldnt be there:lol: the club over 30's:p

(was beginning to feel my age a bit at parklife at the weekend...definitely a youngsters festival that one, 18-24)
We are going to fly to Venice and then rent a car, between 5 its €50 each so well worth it for the week...

Yea i saw on their Instagram they were doing alot of promotion alright and their trailer on youtube make it look unreal... Cant wait not to be worried about the weather and be on the beach, will make it all worthwhile...

Yea the Scots & Irish should be easy to pick out alright with our farmers tan & we are also knocking on the door of 30 which could make it easier.. :)
We are going to fly to Venice and then rent a car, between 5 its €50 each so well worth it for the week...

Yea i saw on their Instagram they were doing alot of promotion alright and their trailer on youtube make it look unreal... Cant wait not to be worried about the weather and be on the beach, will make it all worthwhile...

Yea the Scots & Irish should be easy to pick out alright with our farmers tan & we are also knocking on the door of 30 which could make it easier.. :)
farmer's tan indeed!:).....although i dont tan, im like the whitest person alive.

weather, it should be warm (certainly by our standards) low 20's i think for september in croatia......not too warm to stop all day dancing/boat party sesssions...

..just as long as we dont get the weather they had at Outlook festival in croatia last year (in september) my mate was there & it pissed down with rain and they had no shelter for the outdoor areas!!