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Has anyone ever waited all their life to do something they thought they really wanted to do then when it came to it hated it so much that doing it becomes unbearable?? In my case I'm just about to finish my first year in my psychology degree, I'm 32 so I've waited a long time to do this but hate hate HATE it!! I don't think it's so much the subject but just being in uni, going to seminars, lectures, only knowing 2 people on the whole course, having to force myself to read then cheating by scanning pages etc.. It's put me off pursuing a career in psychology as the thought of doing postgrad almost makes me cry. Did anyone else feel like this and is there light at the end of the tunnel????
it's a real bummer when that happens. I had similar experiences of my course.

on the academic side you can still apply to change modules / do combined degree in your first year - if not too late?

on the social side, work in the union or join some societies and stuff, it's a better way of meeting likeminded folk.

The people on my politics course were to a man and woman a bunch of ***Ts and I spent 3 years studiously avoiding them, something I continue to do on facebook today
I daren't change my course or uni as I was very lucky to get accepted and I haven't got time to do anything with societies as I'm also working. It's hard to mix with the students on my course too as they are really hard to approach, seem a bit young and posh (at least they all seem to have the same accent lol) I suppose I have to grin and bear it for a while.. or at least wait until they all start taking drugs and clubbing instead of doing carnage pub crawls.. then I'll have something to talk about with them :lol:
I suffered through the actual academic side of University for four years, found the course mind numbingly dull and the people even worse. Realised it wasn't what I wanted to be doing early on and essentially just ploughed through with minimal effort and attendance. Luckily enough, I made friends elsewhere on other courses and had an amazing time socially which carried me through but if I were to do it again, I would change things earlier rather than later and have actually previously thought about how I would relay this advice to anyone who would listen...
It would be a shame for you to miss out now you've gone so far in pursuing your goal.

If you're not a full time student living in digs and sociallising it must be easy to feel isolated.

I'm sure there must be someone you can speak to at the university, maybe a friendly tutor, or someone in student support services who can give advice.
First of all you need to work out the real issue and cause of your frustration.

For this you need to take a break away in a neutral environment where you can evaluate the problem, strip it down and identify the root cause of your unhappiness.

Try not to fool yourself.

If the real issue is an emotional one then that can be fixed.

If its not what you want as a person then why do something that you have no connection with.
Hi there, so sorry you are hating it so much. That is tough, especially when you seem also to be feeling guilty for hating it, as if you should just grin and bear it, being lucky to have got a place etc etc etc...

I loathed my first year at uni, things improved in my second, but I only really got into it in my final year so I know how you feel ! It sounds much like what I (and 100s of others no doubt!) went through with the people and the structure. I should think it is much much harder for you as a mature student with a job too.

If you are happy with the subject, then things should get better in time as the social side improves. I found getting to know the postgrads and older students really helped, along with doing more non-uni social stuff. Sometimes just a couple of like-minded people is enough to make things bearable in the short term. There must be a few Ibiza clubbing types there somewhere !!

If you don't like the subject though and can't face the thought of long-term study in that field, then change, really, do. (Listen to Steve Jobs' speech at Stanford graduation a few years ago speaking about dropping out and trying to figure out what the hell he liked for inspiration. It must be on you tube!) and don't be afraid to let go of your dream and admit that it wasn't what you thought it would be. Good on you for trying, how else would you know?!

Good luck!
Thanks guys :)

If only there was a degree in house n techno eh!

I'm actually going to speak to student services as I do have a few personal issues that could be making me feel like this.. I'm never normally one to be bothered about being alone in doing something as I have my friends outside uni, I even have some on different courses, so it's a bit out of character for me to be feeling like this.. Need to address the issue so I can start afresh next year.

It's good to see it's not just me though really glad of the advice !