Unexplained ibiza?!?!


Active Member
In ibiza back in 1999 me and some friends spotted some weird object in the sky above san an. At the time i didnt think anything of it but the next day it turned out alot of people had seen it and most of san an were talking about it, no one really could explain it as it was deffinately not a plane etc. I was wondering if anyone else had spotted anything a bit unexplainable?? seeing as ibiza is said to be the 3rd most magnetic place apparently and the most UFO sightings are from Ibiza, and Nostrodamas says when the world ends Ibiza will be the only place left...strange but true!!!!! 8O
last time i was there my girlfriend had had a smoke, she saw a light up in the sky and thought it was a plane hovering, then she asked me what it was as she has never seen a plane hover like that,,,,, Turned out to be a house with its light on up in the hills at the back of San Ann :lol: :lol:
sorry to disappoint everybody but it was a weather balloon that had drifted off course. i observed it through my binoculars for a good while as it floated over the area where i live.

the next day my mother, on holiday with us at the time, came back with all sorts of nonsense that some people she had met in a cafe had told her about what it was.

strangely, though i read every local newspaper religiously every day, i have never once seen reports of ufo sightings. perhaps there is some conspiracy to cover up such sightings?
We were in the Palmyra at about 11:30 at night (we had been out the night before)

We thought the moon was in a really strange position, but put it down to our late night the night before.

Next again night we located the moon at the same time and it was at the other side of where we were looking in the sky.

Couldnt have been the moon, but it was a really bright circular light....stange! 8O
peeps, Ibiza is also the placeo n earth where peeps take in as much alcohol and drugs as they can! this maybe a good explanation to seeing "weird stuff" ;)
Ibiza-girlie said:
peeps, Ibiza is also the placeo n earth where peeps take in as much alcohol and drugs as they can! this maybe a good explanation to seeing "weird stuff" ;)

ha ha ha - the obvious explanation - love it I-G ;) !!
we were sitting outside mambo one night about midnight on one of the loungers and we started discussing how bright this "star" was and that it must be a planet as it wasnt the north star.

while discussing this we noticed it was getting bigger and thought there was going to be an invasion when all of a sudden the "star" flew over our heads - it had been a plane that was flying in a straight line towards us.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: