Un-wrinkling clothes.


Active Member
I'll just be chucking all my clothes into a sports bag this year, any one have any tips on getting them unwrinkled on arrival? :lol:
Travel Iron :) (yeah I'm happy to admit that I do love the feel of a lovely fresh ironed shirt)

Another and more conventional method seems to be hanging them off the shower curtain rail on a hanger and the steam / condensation does it's trick apparently. Can;t say I've tried it myself but know others who swear by it.
I take non iron clothes.
For the odd item that needs it I take a tiny iron or hang em up in the bathroom with the door shut and a really hot shower running, it's like steaming your clothes, won't be perfect but will be reasonably crease free.
Travel Iron :) (yeah I'm happy to admit that I do love the feel of a lovely fresh ironed shirt)

I have a travel iron, and used to take it, but a combination of wanting to travel light, and years of abuse from mates taking the p**s means I want to leave it behind. Need room for my camera and lens' anyway.

SeldomSeenKid said:
...hang em up in the bathroom with the door shut and a really hot shower running

think I'll give that a go. :)
Before you bang them into the bag, put three or four shirts on top of each other and roll them up rather than fold. Possibly wrap them in a plastic bag and seal with tape.

After being worn the steam jobbbie can do the trick, but don't most hotels offer to lend/hire out an iron and board?
Another and more conventional method seems to be hanging them off the shower curtain rail on a hanger and the steam / condensation does it's trick apparently.

This ^^.

Its not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. And it can leave ur clothes a but damp and musky if you overdo it. :lol:

I tend rolling my shirts instead of folding them when packing.

It won't eliminate all creases, but it does reduce them.
Another and more conventional method seems to be hanging them off the shower curtain rail on a hanger and the steam / condensation does it's trick apparently. Can;t say I've tried it myself but know others who swear by it.

I did that once in back in 04 on my first lads holiday, left it going a bit too long and all the paint/ wallpaper fell off the roof.
Ah, bit too late, went on a spending spree for new t-shirts yesterday.

Fool ... should have waited till you got there - prices are crazy low in the sales and you'd have had the added advantage of everything being pre-pressed, straight off the shelf ;)
Fool ... should have waited till you got there - prices are crazy low in the sales and you'd have had the added advantage of everything being pre-pressed, straight off the shelf ;)

Sounds like the way forward :), knowing my luck though, the only thing they'd have left on their shelves would be vests.
I take non iron clothes.
For the odd item that needs it I take a tiny iron or hang em up in the bathroom with the door shut and a really hot shower running, it's like steaming your clothes, won't be perfect but will be reasonably crease free.

+1 and try avoid folding them so much when u pack
I take non iron clothes.
For the odd item that needs it I take a tiny iron or hang em up in the bathroom with the door shut and a really hot shower running, it's like steaming your clothes, won't be perfect but will be reasonably crease free.

what they said :)
Take them out of the packets and fold them neatly then roll them as tight as you can. Not only does it help to avoid creasing but it also helps increase (no pun intended) the amount of stuff you can get in your bag
Best advice I can give is to find yourself an obliging GF or Wife that will do them for you;)