UK - Smoking in vehicles ban proposal?

Or stop people weeing in the street.

If the law's made, the cops will enforce it (if they see it & can be bothered).
What a stupid f***ing idea. It's already banned in work vehicles. Leave it at that. If I want to kill myself slowly smoking in my own car in my driveway then that's my CHOICE !

Woud all the interfering do-gooding twats just mind their own business for once ? It'll get to the point VERY soon that I will finally up-sticks and leave Britain again. Nearly did it when the previous Labour govt nanny state got almost intolerable.

I'd rather live a shorter happy life than a long miserable one full of stress and a load of interfering idiots telling me how to live it. And if you don't want 2nd hand smoke GET YOUR OWN CAR AND F**K OFF OUT OF MINE !
I can't really take anything the govt suggests about drugs seriously, since there's no consistency. If MDMA (which kills virtually nobody) is illegal, then there's a case for smoking in cars being illegal - since there must be a small but significant number of people who are harmed due to breathing in smoke in enclosed spaces - whether it be the smoker themselves or passive smokers. Having kids in a car filled up with smoke is a bit of a scummy thing to do, but whether it should be illegal is another issue.

I suspect smokers may get off due to some folk's pockets being lined by the tobacco industry.
I doubt it would be a Road Traffic Act offence.

You can already be had up for smoking whilst driving if the police want to - it's called "driving without due care and attention" apparently. Same as munching on a sandwich on the motorway.

So no need for anything new as far as drivers are concerned. It can only relate to passengers smoking in cars. So even more of a silly thing to suggest. Just a load of absolute twaddle as usual proposed by silly interfering idiots with nothing better to do all day than try to micro-manage the lives of the general population in some sort of bid for vicarious power. Naff off, the lot of them !
You can already be had up for smoking whilst driving if the police want to - it's called "driving without due care and attention" apparently. Same as munching on a sandwich on the motorway.

So no need for anything new as far as drivers are concerned. It can only relate to passengers smoking in cars. So even more of a silly thing to suggest. Just a load of absolute twaddle as usual proposed by silly interfering idiots with nothing better to do all day than try to micro-manage the lives of the general population in some sort of bid for vicarious power. Naff off, the lot of them !

I think that the Police would be pretty hard pressed to convince the CPS that smoking in a car amounts to an offence of Driving Without Due Care and Attention. If they did manage to, I doubt that any court in the land would convict on the basis of car smoking unless there were other factors. Incidentally, this offence cannot be dealt with by way of fixed penalty.


a specific offence, like mobile phone legislation, may have to be created to enforce it. Prior to the mobile legislation, an offence of "Not in Proper Control of Vehicle" was sometimes used. With that there had to be some evidence of loss of control, however small, eg. weaving within a lane of a motorway. Police are known to use this when drivers are map reading, drinking a Starbucks etc. This offence can be dealt with by a Fixed Penalty.

Smoking whilst driving is in my opinion, no more of a distraction than talking on a handsfree kit or chatting about football with your mate sat next to you. If it were to be a specific offence, then the Five O would be doing nothing else than dealing with that for the next 3/4 years.

Cheers P
The police dont enforce the ban when I smoke in my lorry so I guess it would be down to the council officials(as it is now although I have no idea who that would be either). The amount of money the government would make would be huge, but the police have enough on their plate I cant imagine them being happy with this being left to them as well. It would just cause more apathy towards the police force who are already dealing with a lot of public contempt against them for things which appear out of their control. I would never smoke in a car or house with kids, but if this comes in to force you can bet that they will say no smoking in your own house next!
If there are kids in the car I'm all for it. Its disgusting when you see someone puffing away when they've got children in the car with them. Selfish idiots!!! If they are alone then thats up to them, its their life. Surely no one can object to that?
They have recently passed a "distracted driving' law here where you can be stopped for mobile phones and anything else that police deem distracting.

I know a few people who have received $175 fines
If there are kids in the car I'm all for it. Its disgusting when you see someone puffing away when they've got children in the car with them. Selfish idiots!!! If they are alone then thats up to them, its their life. Surely no one can object to that?
Kids is one thing but if I'm alone in my car (or with consenting adults) then wtf?!