Turning up at airport without a flight


Well-Known Member
Not Ibiza unfortunately but been given the green light to go to Istanbul tomorrow.

Flight I saw this am has rocketed, couldn’t book without the Mrs’ permission and lots of concessions (night feeds for baby, nights out, you name it I’ve agreed to it).

Can you still rock up at the airport and get a cancelled or spare seat for a good price...or do I pay the price now?
Few seasoned travellers on here
Not Ibiza unfortunately but been given the green light to go to Istanbul tomorrow.

Flight I saw this am has rocketed, couldn’t book without the Mrs’ permission and lots of concessions (night feeds for baby, nights out, you name it I’ve agreed to it).

Can you still rock up at the airport and get a cancelled or spare seat for a good price...or do I pay the price now?
Few seasoned travellers on here

Those days are gone I am pretty sure... indeed it is seen that people booking VERY last minute are a premium because usually they HAVE to get somewhere... i.e for business etc..
Last time I saw this was in 2005 at a check in desk for a flight to Lanzarote.
They wanted £25 a seat displayed on an A4 sign, same on return but in Euros. Never seen it since.
You can turn up and buy a seat - Though the seat on the day of travel is at its most.

Unless you are an airline employee then you can pay a standby fare (tax only)
Istanbul is great,I was there december few years ago for work. Stay inn holiday in few miles from the airport.. crazy place..Turkish airline is one of the best I've flown with..away from the tourist trap.its mental. Cheap as chips.. our guide said If you earn $2 a day you will eat for that day..:) bonus when we got to the airport our flight was delayed 5 hour and the victory secret shop was opening that day..mrs was well happy with the all knickers I brought back..
These days they figure anyone buying a ticket at the airport could be a business person with a double platinum credit card willing to pay anything to get where they're going, so the last minute tickets are price accordingly. Doesn't help how rammed the planes usually are already -- not much need to sell the last seats cheap.

But yeah, I do miss those days too, when you could pick up something at the last minute for cheap.

These days, the best option I've found for being spontaneous is to save up frequent flier miles and use those. At least for now, they don't seem to ramp up the number of miles required at the last minute, so they can be a great deal when the alternative price in money is astronomical.
Short but excellent trip.
Watched the flight price most of night, went down once but mainly increased.

Decided at 4:30am Thursday to book, after checking flights to Athens for our potential next opponents would be just as expensive. Direct flight got me into Istanbul 4 hours before KO, enough to time even factoring a short delay....sister’s bank card which I was booking with refused the payment and blocked the card for unusual activity:spank:

Managed to book at 6:15 and left house at 6:25:)

I enquired at the Turkish Airline desk how much to book the flight there and was £20 dearer. Didn’t have a return flight booked for the next day, woman checked the system £1200 :eek: thank god for Skyscanner

All that for an insipid game.

Wouldn’t have missed it for the world :cool:
£365 direct out, £230 with one stop on return.

No bother at all, we were playing the equivalent of MK Dons, new team/seen as plastic. Stayed out drinking into early hours with a number of fans and everyone was sound. Different if we played Fenerbahçe or Beşiktaş I guess, although Beşiktaş were at home that night. Mates were there 3 nights and had no real trouble