Tune id - samba de janeiro remix


New Member
Hey guys - heard this one on bora bora. They also played it loads in Melbourne and Sydney earlier this year.

Remember the overplayed samba de janeiro track?

The one I'm looking for starts off like that, the first part of the samba melody plays, then it totally cuts into this awesome relentless electro-y baseline. you'll know it because everyone is about to start whistling along the the "samba" tune... then the electro kicks in. Was absolutely awesome.

anyway be great if I can get a name for it!
was a version wellied at bora bora last year called summer samba by dj nick (think it was on xpressbeats last yr)
this year it was done again on AATW -
R.I.O - De Janerio
Thomas gold did a version of this track just like the DJ Nick one you described
Maybe try the grandaddy of them all "Belo Horizonte" used the sample well before samba de janiero (will prob be some electro mixes of it somewhere or other)

apart from that try R.I.O as mentioned previously (although that was last year as well I hasten to add):lol::lol::lol: