Tune ID plz, remix of Chicken Lips "He Not In" ?

Wavy D

New Member

During the week 3rd Sept to 11th Sept, I kept hearing a tune that I've have IDed to be something to do with Chicken Lips "He Not In".

But that tune was released in 2002, so can anyone explain why it kept being played?

Maybe someone has done a new remix of it or something?

Any ideas?



Just one of those tunes which (might I add, is quite an Ibizan tradition (or am I getting all misty eyed?) itr seems one person digs it out, and everyone else remembers what a great tune it is and plays it again.

See also X Press 2 - Muzik X Press
Ah yes, I forgot to mention, that the He Not In sound, is responsible for more copies and stuff than I care to mention.

It's well known that an untrained ear can walk into a club playing that kind of electro stuff, and just hear 2 and a half hours of, basically, He Not In.

@Eranski - nope, that's not it, but thanks anyway

@x-amount - I have listened to the original of He Not In, and either I kept hearing that version at least 3 or 4 times in 1 week (which I'd be surprised about due to it being 3 years old), or someone has done a recent remix/ reworking that is very similar to the original.


Wavy your are right about "He Not In".

Even that they are many of tunes with this sound -
The original mix of this tune was played by Gee in august when i were there..

Classic tune !