Tune from last summer i.d.


New Member
Me and some friends were trying to remember a tune we heard back in ibiza last year. Heard it a few times there but never since. The lyrics go something like;

You're going down boy, you'd better get up
You're going down boy, it's no time to stop

Any ideas?
The lyrics were pretty off base if it's the one I think it is, which is Chocolate Puma "A star is born"

"A star is born... you better wake up...."
ha ha, yeah thats it, amazing how the words can get twisted in your head over 6 months and far to many fun nights out.

I feel such a fool :oops:
oshay said:
ha ha, yeah thats it, amazing how the words can get twisted in your head over 6 months and far to many fun nights out.

I feel such a fool :oops:

Don't worry...It seems that the lyric to that song is quite hard....Me and my friends all sang different versions of it during the summer...It wasn't until I got back that I found out what they really sang :)