Travel inspiration


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Where to go?

Aug/Sept/Oct - considering going on a jaunt but not sure.

Question is where? Is Laos/Cambodia good during this time? (Is Asia monsooning?)

Is India worth it for such a short period considering I'll probably get ill?

South America?

Only really throwing ideas around at the mo.

Obviously needs to be ridiculously cheap as I blatantly can't afford this. :lol:
Where to go?

Aug/Sept/Oct - considering going on a jaunt but not sure.

Question is where? Is Laos/Cambodia good during this time? (Is Asia monsooning?)

Is India worth it for such a short period considering I'll probably get ill?

South America?

Only really throwing ideas around at the mo.

Obviously needs to be ridiculously cheap as I blatantly can't afford this. :lol:

Or Vietnam????? Not sure on the weather at that time of year in Laos/Cambodia but if its like southern China it will be hot and humid/unbearable in Aug but OK in Sept Oct (bit of rain though)
How long are you looking to go for Rob? I'd definitely recommend India for a quick jaunt somewhere different. Delhi is only 8.5hrs away compared to 14hrs to Vietnam, or 12hrs plus a connecting flight to Laos or Cambodia.

Like Spacemonkey says, most of SE Asia will be unbearably hot or monsoon-y during that time of year.

I'm not 100% what the weather in India is going to be like, but its such a masive place you should be able to find a decent temperature somewhere, whether you go trekking in the Himalayas to avoid the heat, or lying on the beach in Goa if it's not tooooo hot!

Plus it's also cheap as chips!
How about Guatemala, Belize, southern bit of mexico and maybe Costa Rica

That bit of central america is super cheap, bit off the beaten track and really nice. Guatemala is beautiful
OK - thanks guys.

Not sure if this year is the best idea as I'm feeling like a settler at the mo. This could change however - Ibiza is still a possibility although it's so bleedin' expensive I'm not sure it's worth it any more. :(

Just planning to get out and have a jolly as soon as the economy crashes. :lol:
I'm thinking south/central america but I think the aug/sept/oct aren't great months for it.

And flights get pretty expensive nov/dec when it's better.

Rob keep me updated as i'm thinking a long haul too but maybe more autumn/winter once the sun leaves the UK..

and perhaps a trip to greece or something to soak up some rays and ride donkeys around a deserted island.
Ooh Greece & donkeys! Hmmm. 8)

Do you fancy an intense ayahuasca retreat with loads of trippy hippies then? :eek:
Everyone that goes to India comes back miserable after having the ****s for the entire duration of their stay, which is a shame. I'm fairly sure this is a fact.
Everyone that goes to India comes back miserable after having the ****s for the entire duration of their stay, which is a shame. I'm fairly sure this is a fact.

I only got ill about 3 months into my trip in India, but I can see how that would ruin a holiday if you were only there for 2 weeks.

But the first time I went to asia I felt ill the entire holiday, but it was copeable with.
Everyone that goes to India comes back miserable after having the ****s for the entire duration of their stay, which is a shame. I'm fairly sure this is a fact.

What a load of b0ll0cks! You've been reading too many Daily Mail travel reports.

I've had worse stomach troubles in Ibiza than I've had in India. Just be careful what you eat, dont drink the water etc. I was in India for 2 months and had a dodgy tummy once during that time. It didn't affect my travels at all, other than a couple of emergency toilet stops! :lol: We also ate from street stalls, little cafes, food whilst trekking etc. Infact I'm sure it was after we stayed in a 4* hotel for Jon's birthday that I got the sh1ts! :lol: And most people would have no qualms about staying there.
What a load of b0ll0cks! You've been reading too many Daily Mail travel reports.

I've had worse stomach troubles in Ibiza than I've had in India. Just be careful what you eat, dont drink the water etc. I was in India for 2 months and had a dodgy tummy once during that time. It didn't affect my travels at all, other than a couple of emergency toilet stops! :lol: We also ate from street stalls, little cafes, food whilst trekking etc. Infact I'm sure it was after we stayed in a 4* hotel for Jon's birthday that I got the sh1ts! :lol: And most people would have no qualms about staying there.

all the posh places are dodgy because you can't see the kitchen! :lol:

give me a little chicken tikka place where you have to point at the food but you can see they have a high turnover and everything is properly cooked anytime over comfy seats and air conditioning somewhere posh.