Transport to the clubs?


New Member
It's my first time in Ibiza this year and I was under the impression that all the clubs (e.g. space, amnesia) were a while out of san Antonio? I don't know if this is the case so apologies if I'm wrong! But if so, how easy is transport to the clubs and is it expensive? Just realised I may of posted this in the wrong thread, sorry!
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It's my first time in Ibiza this year and I was under the impression that all the clubs (e.g. space, amnesia) were a while out of san Antonio? I don't know if this is the case so apologies if I'm wrong! But if so, how easy is transport to the clubs and is it expensive? Just realised I may of posted this in the wrong thread, sorry!

Amnesia and Privilege are easy to get to form San An by either the Disco Bus (free but you will need to queue for a bit and its not hugely reliable) or Taxi for about 20 Euros so if there's 4 of you it's a good deal. Pacha and Space are maybe another 10 euros max as they are a bit further away and I don't think the free disco bus runs to them but you can probably get a normal bus there but have no idea of timetable or frequency sorry
And they play the best music possible ever!!!

And people are usually cool...
If you're using the discobus to get to the clubs, personally I'd be on the first, or at least try to be on the first one, at midnight. Otherwise, you'll face queues.
So the first disco bus is at midnight?

According to this:


It starts at midnight from San An>Privilege>Amnesia, then every half an hour until 6am. The only downside to getting the first bus, is that you'll arrive at the club early.
According to this:

It starts at midnight from San An>Privilege>Amnesia, then every half an hour until 6am. The only downside to getting the first bus, is that you'll arrive at the club early.

Is that considered as early? I went to Magaluf last year and from what I do remember, that was about the time we were at the clubs about then and it was all kicking off!
On average, I think people probably turn up at the clubs between 1:30 - 2:30 am. The first bus would get you there early, but then at least you're there. I don't recommend all the stress that comes with being stuck in San Antonio at 1:30 in the morning, an expensive ticket in your pocket, and with huge taxi queues and no taxis to flag down.

Last year, I caught the first discobus to Privilege for A state of trance, there must have been a couple of hundred people milling/sitting around at that time in the club. If I recall, it was a good two hours before the capacity was filled.