transport from ibiza to barçelone


heyy every one...i need informations or idea for trnasport between ibiza and barcelone...there is only fly and boats???i cant go with road??there is not bus from ibiza or near city??i wait our solutions and idea friends...thnx and sorry because its my 1st time wll be in ibiza...
barcelona is on the mainland, ibiza is an island. there is no bridge that connects the island with the mainland and therefore you can only travel by boat or airplane between those two places...
thnx friends for our answers...sorry for my english..its really bad...i talk franch i come from rome to ibiza for some days and after i go barcelone to finish my holidays..i know that ibiza its island and barcelone its mainlan..but i ask if there is others solutions...who have idea about boats: price and time to be in barcelone from ibiza and how much travel in week between...thnx and sorry for my english...
google it what you need.around two companys travel via could price up air fares or nip down to the ports in san an and ibiza time for office they can tell you prices times etc.
thnx friends for our answers...sorry for my english..its really bad...i talk franch i come from rome to ibiza for some days and after i go barcelone to finish my holidays..i know that ibiza its island and barcelone its mainlan..but i ask if there is others solutions...who have idea about boats: price and time to be in barcelone from ibiza and how much travel in week between...thnx and sorry for my english...

Essaye de regarder ces 2 compagnies: Balearia et Transmediterranea.
Elles font le trajet ibiza-Barcelone.
La traversée est un peu longue entre 9 heures et 13 heures, selon la compagnie.

Sinon, il y a plusieurs vols par jour. C'est même moins cher, des fois!

Sinon, jet privé!
sinn moha c ta ds bn ideé sur ls emplaçements...ou autres chose sur ibiza tu peut me conseilé et m'aidé svp...tu me donne tn fb ou envoi moi invi sur mn fb:badi kon peut discuté...mercii