Train crash.

I remember being on ibiza during 9/11 and we had a decision, should we go out clubbing/should we not? We did and it was the best thing, clubbers are generally emotional people and being out with other people was all that was required. I think it was Space, and the last tune at about 8am was Micheal Jackson, doesnt matter if you are black or white. It was very appropriate and a group of us went down to the beach after to try and make sense. Hopefully tonight clubbers gather and try and move forward. It is just really shocking to comprehend.
First i'd heard of it was when I just saw the video on youtube of it happening, looked horrific
Ever so slightly :(.
Unless it was a "runaway train" I think that the driver may be preparing himself for a long stretch inside?
First i'd heard of it was when I just saw the video on youtube of it happening, looked horrific

Hadn't seen this and thought at first the thread title was another discussion about Nina Kraviz's mixing skills :)oops:). Appalling scenes - a seriously shocking accident. Is there any indication as to how it happened ?
shocking footage.

Just before the main fiestas too. Went there in June as the catering for my wedding is from there, lovely small city.

Not yet clear why. As I understand that section of the track where the curve is doesnt have access to the new automatic breaking system which would normally control the speed of the train, it has an older system that simply warns the driver of it going too fast.. Thing is the driver has done that route before, surely he'd know he had to break.

Great to see the people of the city donating blood like they did plus all the locals helping at the scene.
More keeps coming out. It seems the driver was indeed speeding. He was going double the speed limit for that section of the line.
Allegedly, he's posted on facebook in the past about getting his train up past the speed limit (

No he hadn't, pissing me off the way the media (well, the ****tier tabloids) are twisting his quote for a headline that most simpletons will read and put 2 and 2 together.

His precise quote;

What a blast it would be to go parallel with the Guardia Civil (Spanish police) and go past them triggering the radar. Haha what a fine for Renfe (the Spanish train operator) haha

Says nothing about him actually speeding, bragging about speeding, boasting about speeding, or admitting to speeding.
The driver WAS going too fast. He claimed it on fb before.

Spanish media reported boasts Garzon Amo allegedly posted on Facebook about how fast he was driving a train in March 2012.

The 52-year-old, who together with a second driver survived the crash, allegedly posted a picture of a train speedometer at 200km/h (124mph), writing: "I'm at the limit and I can't go any faster or they will give me a fine." His Facebook page has since been blocked.


Francisco Jose Garzon Amo, the driver of the train which derailed killing at least 80 people in Spain, and a speedometer reading he previously posted on Facebook boasting about the speeds he reached Photograph: Enterprise News And Pictures
Don't want to make you paranoiac, but 5 miles from my hometown on 12 july, there was a crash train with 6 dead people & it is still on on french national tv everyday (not as catastrophic as what happen in spain) ...Train Circulation is a pain since this crash & investigation is on the way...the less i take the train the better i feel but no choice on the way to office :confused:
My condolences to all deceased in the crash and their alive loved ones or survivors. All mourners of the accident hold on and be strong.
My deepest regret.
The driver WAS going too fast. He claimed it on fb before.

Spanish media reported boasts Garzon Amo allegedly posted on Facebook about how fast he was driving a train in March 2012.

The 52-year-old, who together with a second driver survived the crash, allegedly posted a picture of a train speedometer at 200km/h (124mph), writing: "I'm at the limit and I can't go any faster or they will give me a fine." His Facebook page has since been blocked.


Francisco Jose Garzon Amo, the driver of the train which derailed killing at least 80 people in Spain, and a speedometer reading he previously posted on Facebook boasting about the speeds he reached Photograph: Enterprise News And Pictures

No, he didn't. You've disproved that in the very same text that you've quoted.

Speed is at fault for this accident, that seems to be the general consensus. But this attempt by the media (and those unable to read past a manipulated headline) to further smear him is needless and is just attempting to villify him more than is necessary; the man's got nearl 80 deaths on his conscience as it is.
At the speed limit for the track or the speed limit of the train? It's ambiguous

Surely if he was at the limit of the train then he couldn't go any faster? Taking the ''they'll give me a fine'' suggests that would be a speed limit break rather than a specifications break.

Seen the video of the incident. Surreal. Horrific.
im trying to figure out why you would defend such a selfless ***** in the first place....

here is the snipped from diario sur... 'what happened on the curve?'

¿Qué pasó en la curva?
Las labores de investigación se centran en averiguar por qué el tren llegó a la curva de A Grandeira, a cuatro kilómetros de Santiago, con exceso de velocidad. El límite fijado para ese tram.o es de sólo 80 km/hora, pero el Alvia superó la cifra y descarriló a más de 190 km/hora provocando la tragedia.
Las cajas negras del convoy servirán para conocer las causas del accidente, pero de momento "están custodiadas" por la Policía sin que se hayan abierto aún, aseguró ayer la ministra de Fomento, Ana Pastor

the train came off at 190km per hour... the speed limit is 80. at least he was put in front of a judge already, god knows how long that would take in england.
shocking footage.

Not yet clear why. As I understand that section of the track where the curve is doesnt have access to the new automatic breaking system which would normally control the speed of the train, it has an older system that simply warns the driver of it going too fast.. Thing is the driver has done that route before, surely he'd know he had to break.


The photo posted by the driver on fb page (which vanished since), is from a previous attempt.
And cerise sur le gâteau, he apparently, was on the phone.