What did Steve Lawler drop on the terrace as the last track? it was an old classic itallio house track which sounded like Jinni Keep Warm (style) with a lyric "Everybody".. (sounded like eVreeeBooodyyy) it fitted in after him playing "back to my roots" which which was a little slow and didn't recognise the artist of this version.
I met a chap who said the track was called Push by Push - but it might have been something simular with my hearing! I can't find it online anywhere.. he said it was v.rare so if anyone has a copy... let me know.. could make some people v.happy
I met a chap who said the track was called Push by Push - but it might have been something simular with my hearing! I can't find it online anywhere.. he said it was v.rare so if anyone has a copy... let me know.. could make some people v.happy